Chapter 4: Rewinding time in the Azad

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Third point of view.

Location: Unknown.

Within the stronghold with the hidden figures circling around the table, their interest was not on the image of Sora, Donald, Goofy, Kitty, Beat and Soejammy. Rather it was on the 4 disks that Chronos has given Maleficent and how they can use them to trap the heroes.

???: Giving us something we can use to trap those brats in, but no idea on how to do so.

???: Now that is a truly villainous move to do~

???: How do we know we can even use these to get them trapped? We do not even know who that Chronos guy is.

???: We know he hates Soejammy and know of a way to get him to be our pawn by making him fall prey to the darkness.

???: If we can even trap him and the others. And even figure out how to trap them with what we were given, or at least stall them.

While the figures were discussing how to use the disks in order to trap the heroes, Maleficent was lost in thought looking at them. It wasn't long before a smirk sprung upon her lips as she slammed her staff onto the ground to get everyone's attention.

Maleficent: The answer to how we can use this gift is most simple~ We make new worlds to stall the heroes.

???: And just how exactly would you plan to make new worlds and get the so-called heroes to go to them?

Maleficent: Just watch and learn~

Saying this, Maleficent gets the disk with the game title "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" on it. As she cast her magic on the disk, the figure's attention went to the table as the image of the heroes was changed to show a map of all the worlds where a new one is soon shown being created.

Maleficent: And this a world I shall call...Palace of Azad.

???: I see. This is going to be a good plan, those little brats will easily be stalled with this plan.

???: That is if we can even get them to go to that world. Isn't it going to be suspicious that a new world just suddenly appeared? Or will they even know there's a new world?

The sound of thunder can be heard echoing through the room as Maleficent could be seen with an irritated scowl.

Maleficent: If you would just BE QUIET AND LET ME FINISH then you will see the second part of my plan!

Not wanting to become a victim of Maleficent's wrath, the figures remained silent as the map changed back to the image of the heroes. As the group were traveling in the Gummi Ship to their next destination, Maleficent used more magic to create a vortex in front of the ship to the new world. Where it would be impossible to avoid being sucked into it.

Maleficent: And now to watch the show as the "heroes" get sucked into a new adventure~

Chuckles and laughter resonated across the room as everyone watched the image for the real adventure to begin.

Kitty's point of view

Location: Gummi Ship

When we got onto the Gummi Ship and started heading to our next destination, all was calm and peaceful as we were resting in the seats. Mini-Nep in Jammy's pocket and Jiminy on Donald's hat writing in his journal as Donald was in charge of driving. Well, it would be if there wasn't a dispute going on between Jammy and Donald about who should be driving.

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