23- No More Secrets

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A/N: Here it is. Yaaay. Honestly, I wish I didn't have to write this chapter but it's for the stupid plot. Short chapter because I know (as a reader of Wattpad as well as a writer) that the backstory stuff is boring and all you want is the fluff.
Here's a chapter, I guess. 🙁
⚠️Attempted Sexual Abuse and Self Harm Mentions⚠️

|😰-Y/n's POV-😰|

The second Camilo left my house that day, everything went wrong.

"I'll see you when I can." He smiled. The whole day, he'd been shifting randomly, unable to control it. I hated that he had to go through that.

"Abuela cancelled school until things get better so..."

I pulled him in for a hug. "I'm going to help fix this Camilo. I promise."

"Hey, that isn't your job! You shouldn't be worrying about it."

"But I'm in that vision too! It's as much my responsibility as it is Mirabel's."

"If it's anyone's job, it's Abuela's. It's her miracle, we never asked for this! Honestly, I'd rather the magic just die instead of torturing us like this."

I placed my hand on his right cheek. "We're gonna make it better. We're gonna fix it, I swear."

He leaned into the touch, closing his eyes for a moment, before he turned and left without another word.

I should talk to them. Mirabel and Bruno.

"Y/n, will you go to the market for me, mi vida?" Gloria called out to me.

"Yep, whatcha need?"

She handed me the money. "Vegetables and eggs."

"Got it. Hasta luego!"

I stepped out the door. I thought I heard her say something else, but I ignored it.

Big mistake.

The second I had everything I needed, rain began pouring down. I panicked, quickly slipping under a bodega. I searched in my bag for my poncho or umbrella, but I must have taken them out, for they were nowhere to be found.

"Well, well, well." A sharp male voice made me jump.

It was Matteo.

"Look who we have here. The Madrigal's 'girlfriend'." He stepped out of the shadows. I gulped, noticing how he put air quotes around 'girlfriend'.

"Word on the street is, Camilo is single. And you know what that means?" Before I could do anything, he grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the wall.

"You are single." He smirked. His fingernails dug into my skin, making me whimper.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips forcefully against mine.

I tried shouting. "Hey! Stop! Help!" But the words couldn't leave my mouth before he slipped his dirty tongue in it.

I tried to fight back; kick him, scratch him, hit him, anything. But he overpowered me, digging his nails and tongue in deeper.

So I resorted to my last option.

I used my powers.

I started to heat up my hands and arms. I heard his skin begin to sizzle and he jumped away with a hiss.

He looked up at me angrily. Before I could stop him, he lifted me by the throat and threw me out from under the bodega.

Rain washed over my whole body. My skin changed to scales. I hardly had a grasp of what had just happened before I had been revealed to the villagers.

I heard screams all around me. Children running to their parents. The fear in their eyes.


"No! Please, I'm not a monster!"


"Please, listen! I'd never hurt anyone."

Matteo suddenly grabbed my hands and held them behind my back. Someone found a strip of fabric and used it as a gag. They tied up my hands.

"Find Abuela Madrigal! She'll want to see this." Matteo gave a grin even more sickening than before.

They dragged me towards the Casita, where Alma, Julieta, Agustín, Pepa, Félix, Dolores, Isabela and Luisa were stood outside. They all gasped when I was thrown in front of them.

"Who is it? What is the monster's name?"

The rain stopped above my head. My skin dried and another gasp was heard. Almost everyone in the village was here now.

"You... You are the monster the outsiders demanded!" Abuela pointed at me. I looked at the floor. I couldn't bare to meet anyone's eyes.

Abuela stood over me. "We welcomed you into our home. We trusted you to help my grandson. And in exchange, you lie to us and steal our miracle from us!"

"What?!" I cried through the fabric.

"And for this, I sentence you to exile!"

"No!" Someone else ran towards me, standing in between Alma and I.

"Camilo! Get out of my way!"

Upon hearing his name, I looked up. Sure enough, the curly haired shapeshifter stood facing his Abuela. The rain began to fall on me again.

"No! Y/n's done nothing wrong! She doesn't deserve this! She's my friend, she'd never hurt anyone!"

"Camilo Madrigal, that is enough! I demand you get out of my way!" The old woman growled.

Camilo didn't flinch. He turned around, kneeled down and untied my hands and mouth.

He stood at my side and held my hand. "If you send Y/n away, you'll send me away too."

Someone grabbed my other hand. "And me." It was Mirabel.

Antonio appeared and held her hand. "Me too."

Dolores stepped away from her family and held Camilo's hand. "And me."

Val emerged from the crowd and held Dolores's hand. "And me."

To everyone's surprise, Isabela came to hold Val's hand. "You'll send me away too."

Andy walked out to hold Antonio's hand. "Me too."

Abuela stood in front of me, clearly conflicted. Should she allow away the girl who did nothing to stay or send away her own family with her?

She pointed to me, staring me dead in the eye. "You may stay. But, I forbid you from ever speaking to mi familia again."


"That is enough, Camilo! My word is final." She grasped his wrist and tugged him away. He fought against her, tears in his eyes. Even Casita tried to help him. But she'd made up her mind.

The villagers dispersed. I looked at Andy.

"Andy, I-" She turned away before I could finished. Even Val abandoned me.

I fell to my knees, letting the tears fall. My shoulders shook.

Never seeing Camilo again?

I'd rather die.

|😥-Not-So-Fun Fact-😥|
If Y/n hadn't taken the razor away from him, Camilo would have cut himself that night.

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