16- We Don't Talk About Bruno

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|🐀-Y/n's POV-🐀|

I raised my hands to show her my powers. And my... other self.

"Wow... I guess that's why you're in the vision. Your powers must be connected to the miracle somehow. Does Camilo know?"

"Yeah, so does my Tía."

She rubbed her chin. "We're going to need some way to get you invited to Isabela's engagement..."

"Oh, I already am."

"What?! Since when?"

"Since a few minutes ago."

"Great. Now it's just figuring out what this vision means."

Camilo entered the room.

"N/n? Dolores says Gloria wants you home."

"Okay." I turned to Mirabel. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"So, you got invited all on your own!" Cami smiled once we'd left the nursery.

"Yeah. I can't wait. First the engagement, next their kid's birthday."

"What makes you think they'll only have one?"

"Are they having more?"

"I don't know about her, but Mariano wants five."

"Five? There is no way Isabela can carry five children."

"She'd try."

We arrived at his front door.

"Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, I can manage. See you tomorrow."

He pulled me into a tight hug.


"Thank you," He mumbled.

He pulled back. "See you tomorrow."


Is that a normal friend thing? My family aren't very touchy-feely. I guess he's just clingy.

"Hey Gloria."

"Finally! What took you so long?"

I fiddled with the razor in my pocket. "Camilo wasn't feeling great. I was trying to cheer him up."

"Did it work?"

"Yep. Happy as ever."


I bounced on the balls of my feet. "So, Señora Alma invited me to come to come to Isabela's engagement."

"Really? What an honour!"

Valentina walked into the room. "What're you talking about?"

"Y/n was invited to Isabela's engagement!"

Her face paled. "Oh. Great."

"Val, are you okay?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go. Back upstairs." She retreated out of the room.

Huh. Weird.

|💚-The Next Day-💚|

I knocked at the door of the Casita. I was wearing a simple yellow dress, with white flowers stitched up the side.

Dolores opened the door.

"Hi Y/n. You look nice."

"Thank you, so do you."

She raised her ear to listen to something. "Mirabel is waiting for you. In the nursery."

"Thanks." She stepped to the side to let me in.

Mi Camaleon |🦎-Camilo Madrigal x Reader-🦎|Where stories live. Discover now