20- Un Millón de Sueños

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A/N: I seriously cannot believe I've gotten so far in this book. The most chapters I've ever written is like 14 and here I am at Chapter 20! The fact that people are still reading it is also just wonderful to think about. Also, pretty long chapter BTW.

I'm going to talk about Y/n's past. And I made it quite gruesome for some reason. I'll put a yellow heart where it starts and ends if you're sensitiveto that sort of thing. It's not too bad... but I'm sadistic and desensitised so...

Please vote, comment and enjoy the chapter!

|🌟-Camilo's POV-🌟|

Y/n's been acting weird since we left the tent. Was it the flirting? Did I go too far? Or was it something else?

God, I'm overreacting. She'll be fine by the time we get there. If not, I'll ask her about it.

Y/n has become one of my best friends. At school, we goof off and have fun. If we get a substitute teacher, we'll swap names and joke around. It's amazing. She never asks me to do impressions and doesn't judge me for being clingy. She's perfect.

Fuck, was I ranting about her again?
At least it was in my head.

I caught her looking me. Once we made eye contact, she quickly looked away.

"Almost there!" Señora grinned, either not noticing or not caring about the tension.

A few minutes later, we could finally see it.

"We're here!" Y/n squealed. "We're finally here!" She jumped around, before wrapping her arms around my neck.

She pulled back with a red face. "Sorry... I got a little over excited." She fiddled with the hem of her dress.

God, she's beautiful.

Wait, no! Not like that! I meant adorable!
Adorable, beautiful Y/n.
Fuck! Not beautiful!


I shook my head. "Sorry, did you say something?"

They were already a little further forward.

She giggled. "C'mon, soñador. We've got to check out our rooms."

I jogged up to them.

The hotel was ridiculously fancy. There was a huge lobby with chandeliers and everything. It wasn't too full, but the people who were there looked like they had a billion dollars. They all wore strange clothes, although, we haven't had contact with the outside world for 50 years so fashion is bound to have changed.

"Wow, this place is so cool, isn't it Y/n?"

No answer.


She was looking at something else, or should I say, someone else.

I caught her staring at a group of kids, probably the other contestants. But there was one boy in particular.

I assumed this was Esteban.

"You wanna go say hi?" I asked.

She nodded, taking my hand and dragging me forward.

"Hi, are you guys here for the singing contest?"

The boy spoke with a heavy accent. "Sí. You two must be from the Encanto."

"How could you tell?"

"Your out-dated clothes." He held out his hand. "Esteban Romero, School of Music."

Mi Camaleon |🦎-Camilo Madrigal x Reader-🦎|Where stories live. Discover now