14- Cami

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Before the chapter starts, just a quick thanks to my regular readers. It makes me so happy when I look at the chapter I posted yesterday and see that 5 people have already read it! Anyway, here's the next chapter for you (Short, but dramatic)💛
F/a: Favourite animal

|🏵-Camilo's POV-🏵|

When I woke up, I was laid on my back, with Y/n draped over my chest. I flushed.

A few seconds later, Dolores walked in.

"What's happening here?" She smirked, putting her hand on her hip.

I put my finger to my lips, knowing that she was a light sleeper.

"Please don't tell anyone," I whispered. She nodded and left, softly closing the door.

It was at least an hour later, but luckily it was the weekend. She still didn't wake up. I shook her gently.

"N/n? It's time to wake up, corazón."

She grumbled, nuzzling closer to my chest and holding me tighter.

I sighed. She was too adorable to wake up anyway.

Wait, what on earth am I thinking?! Estúpido, Camilo, estúpido!

A few minutes, she lifted up her head.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake." My voice was hoarse and croaky.

"Wha-? Where... where am I?" She mumbled. Her eyes were barely open and her hair looked insane.

Okay, I have to admit, she is a little adorable.

"You're in my house. It's me."

"Oh. Good morning, me."

I laughed, "You had a good sleep?"

She nodded, still not getting off me. I didn't mind; she wasn't too heavy.
She raised one hand and adjusted my hair.

"You need to brush your hair, Cami."

I tilted my head. "What did you just call me?"

"I called you Cami. You got a problem with that?"

"Not at all."

She murmured, "Good." She rested her head back on my chest.

"N/n? Don't fall back to sleep, it's time for breakfast. Actually, it was time for breakfast an hour ago."

"Time is a construct, merely for the purpose of controlling us mortals in our pathetic, meaningless lives."

"Okay, crazy head. Do you want to keep having psychological epiphanies or do you want some eggs?"

"Eggs." She grumbled, pulling herself up.

"That's what I thought."

She stretched in the middle of my room and then went to look at one of the mirrors, sorting her hair.

I looked through my closets and pulled out a large trunk. I dove through it until I pulled out a yellow dress.

"Here. Put this on." I held it out to her.

"Why do you have a dress in your-?"

"Just don't question it, alright?" I interrupted. She looked at me with wide eyes.

I sighed, "Ever since I was a kid, I'd put on little shows for Dolores and Antonio. The dress is from Beauty and the Beast, happy?"

Her jaw dropped.

"Don't you dare start laughing."

"I'm not... I'm just curious though... who was the beast?"

"Antonio's jaguar, Parce."

Mi Camaleon |🦎-Camilo Madrigal x Reader-🦎|Where stories live. Discover now