"It's okay baby. I didn't mean to make you guilty. It's just this past week," She sighed, "Things have been difficult. Your father went on another one of his business trips. Nadia had been out all the time and you didn't even reply any of my messages."

  "Oh mom," I engulfed her in a warm hug as if saying sorry for being so horrible. She was lonely and had no one but us but we weren't here for her.

  Ever since my mom married my dad, she lost everything. Her family disowned her so she picked up everything and went with my father, leaving her friends and her life. We became her everything.

  "This isn't how I imagined our day would go." She chuckled lamely after we broke the much needed hug.

  "The day is only beginning." I smiled at her.


  The Maliks weren't coming over until seven or something which gave my mom and I plenty of much needed quality time together.

  Although the beginning of the day was a bit on the dramatic side, the rest of the day went by great. We went shopping then sat in my favorite coffee shop and had a small lunch chatting all the time about college, friends and of course Zayn.

  "How come I hadn't heard about any of your friends before? I thought Waliyha and Aaroosa were your only friends. You were always a part of a trio." My mom said finishing off her turkey sandwich. I had just told her about my College group, Bella, Kaliq and Layla.

  "Yeah well, having a big group is much more fun. There's always someone I could hang out with." I shrugged taking a sip of my yogurt smoothie. It was rarely even found but that's just why I loved this place. It offered the best of things.

  "You are right. I'm glad you have more friends. You seem happy, like old times." She smiled widely giving me one of those pure joy looks. I just gave her a tight lipped smile.

  Was I really happy? I knew I was my happiest with Zayn but that type of happiness didn't count though.

  I meant the type of happiness you feel with true friends. People you could be your true self with them with no worry in the world.

  Come to think about it the only time I felt happy is when I was with Seif. He was the only one I could be myself with and not think about what I say or how I say it. It was kind of sad how I had a fairly large group of friends yet I was only close to the only one who didn't belong in the clique.

  "Today is Zayn's last day before going back to the tour?" My mom's voice snapped me out of my daze.

  "Yeah," I sighed sadly. Yesterday was our last day together and we made the most of it. Didn't even want to go home and leave one another as we knew today was going to be a bit crazy with the concert and his family being here and whatnot.

  "How long is he going to be gone for?"

  "Another month." I replied feeling my words adding stones to my heart. He wasn't even gone and I missed him already.

  The last time he left was horrible in all aspect of the word. We were just engaged and hadn't really spent that much together and I was a mess. I just don't want to imagine how this month is going to go after the amazing ten days that we had together.

  "That's long. I always hated your father's business trips. Still do to till this day, but you always have to busy yourself so you won't mess him too much you know." She advised me with a sweet smile.

 My parents had been married for more than 21 years and they still love each other even though they went through so much together. I admire their relationship and I pray Zayn and mine's relation is as strong and vibrant as theirs.

  "Finals are coming up so that should be a distraction." I took another sip of my smoothie. It was almost finished making that horrible sound when air gets sucked in the straw with drops of the smoothie.

  "You've been getting amazing grades in college so far, so I have faith you would amaze me even more with your final grade." She smiled encouraging me, "We should get going. It's almost 4. Your sister promised to come by your apartment before the concert to get ready."

  Paying for our lunch, we gathered the bags we bought on our little shopping spree and started walking. The coffee place was just ten minutes from my apartment so we reached there in no time.

  As soon as we reached the building, I noticed Nadia standing by the door talking to pink-headed girl. I cringed at the awful color she choose to dye her hair in. If you want to go with a bold color why not violet, or silver with a hint of blond in it?

  Walking up to Nadia and her friend, my mother smiled widely at Nadia who had just noticed us coming to her. She gave lame smile our way as her pink-haired friend turned to see who Nadia was smiling at.

  My eyes widened when I saw her face and my anger piled up inside of me. What the hell was Ella doing here? With Nadia?



Hey guys. Miss you all. It's a bit short but a cliff hanger :p

If you are still reading this, thank you so much. I noticed so many people gave up on the story and the votes/comments had decreased to half the old numbers so if you are still sticking by me through my horrible update schedule and not so great updates, thank you so much.

Promise to make the chapters better and a bit faster.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat