Chapter 18

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As things settled down, Kokichi noticed just how comfortable Kage and Kaito were with each other, and with him. He had the last of his appointments at the doctor for a while, his heart was finally close enough to 100% health to be deemed safe, and his partners hadn't had to for a while. There were some interviews, and he kept face through all of them. It was hard, but he could manage. After their relationship became public, that made up a good chunk of their question topics anyway. Kokichi found it quite funny when they were first asked about dating, about Kaede, Maki, and Himiko specifically. Apparently, those had been the predominant "ships" for the show, which had by now finished airing. 

There were, of course, the people who berated and insulted him for the things he did. But he could take it, knowing that he wasn't behind the wheel at those times. They were insulting Danganronpa, not him. At least, that's what Kaito told him.

The most awkward interview by far had to be the time when the makeup he'd used to cover the bruises on his neck smudged. He'd (re)tried choking the night before, and Kage got really into it. Someone asked, obviously out of concern, and he'd replied that, well, it wasn't quite her business what actors did in their private lives. After he winked, her blushing and stuttering, as well as speechlessness from most of the people there, proved that he'd gotten his point across and wouldn't be asked any more of such questions.

All in all, it could be worse. He had two people who loved him, a nice house, enough money to keep him comfortable for a long time. He was lucky. Things could've been a lot worse. He could be dead, for starters, with his last memory being of a hydraulic press crushing his bones until he died. Whether from blood loss, his bone fragments impaling his organs, or them simply being crushed, he didn't know. Kokichi shook off the thought. No, that wasn't important anymore.

There was more to look forward too as well. He was scheduled for top surgery in a few months, the last step in his transition. He'd been back on testosterone too, since he couldn't take it while "filming." He had no desire for bottom surgery, having no problem with his lower parts, so this was it. He never thought he'd reach this point.

Currently, he was looking forward to getting a cat. Their apartment hadn't allowed pets, and in both lifetimes, he'd always wanted one. So, now, the three of them were driving to go find one. He was bouncing excitedly in the back seat, where he preferred to sit because it gave him more room. After they found one(if they did today, there was a chance they wouldn't find the right fit for them just yet), they were going to pick up any supplies it needed. They'd gotten a bed, litter box, a scratching post, and some toys already, but they couldn't get anything else before knowing their future pet's unique needs.

"What kinda cat are you wanting anyway?" Kaito asked him.

Kokichi shrugged. "I just want one who will play sometimes, and let me pet it occasionally. I'm not picky."

"You already have Kage for that." Kaito smirked.

Kage gasped and smacked his arm. "Kai!"

"What?" He laughed. "I'm right."

"Aw, come on, stop being such a bully, Kai-Chan!" Kokichi giggled. "At least you didn't mention that they practically purr, too!"

"Not you too, Ko!" Kage groaned. "Just for that, I'm going to make sure I'm the cat's favorite."

Kokichi jumped out of the car as soon as they got there and ran inside. The worker seemed to appreciate his energy rather than being annoyed, thankfully.

He was incredibly excited looking at the cats, but made sure he kept calm as to not scare them. Kaito scanned over them, not liking cats as much as his boyfriend, but still liking them. Kage, on the other hand, was knelt down in front of one of the cages staring transfixed at one.

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