Chapter 7

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Shuichi didn't feel any better over the next few days, not really, but they could still tell that Kokichi was being affected too. He was always smiling, joking around, and acting like everything was perfectly fine. Similar to how he'd been in the killing game. It worried Shuichi, as well as Kokichi's friends, but they weren't entirely in the right headspace to offer help. They still tried though, being more affectionate than usual and offering assurance when they could.

Kokichi appreciated it, of course, but he also felt even worse for worrying his partner. And for allowing Shuichi to get hurt, even if they were, physically, just fine now.

It felt like it was his fault. If he'd explained better, if he'd just been smarter, if he'd found a better solution, this wouldn't have happened. He always did have a habit of blaming himself for everything. In both pasts. It consumed him, and even Shuichi didn't know what to do to help.

Kokichi paced his room, thinking of every past failure. Even when he tried his hardest, he couldn't do anything. He'd failed to save people in the killing game, he'd failed to protect one of the precious few who actually gave a shit from getting hurt. Was he just bad luck, was that why people always got hurt around him, and why very few didn't despise him? His head was a dangerous place, and every time Shuichi tried to pull him out he only drew farther in.

"Baby, are you okay?" Shuichi asked quietly, having just come in. "Can we talk?"

Kokichi didn't waste half a second putting a big smile on his face. "Yep, just the best! Why wouldn't I be?"

They sighed. "Alright, if you say so. First off, I just wanted to thank you for sticking up for me. I forgot to tell you before, but it meant a lot to me." They picked at their nails. "And for taking care of me, I know I've been thinking about this the wrong way. I shouldn't be breaking over being punched by my boyfriend, but glad that he was willing to do that to protect you. He always has been protective, so as long as I think of it that way, then I'm okay. I need to be patient, and rational, but I'll get through it. You're protective too, you both showed it, and I'm happy that you both care so much." Little tears prickled in their eyes. "I got really, really lucky."

"Shu," Kokichi sighed. "we're lucky to have you too, okay? Jeez, I know you're just trying to cheer me up, but you're about to cry. What's up?"

"Ah, sorry." Shuichi rubbed the back of their neck. "I cry easily, that's all. I really love you both, so naturally, I'll get emotional talking about you. When I'm just a little teary-eyed like this, it's not usually because I'm sad."

"Hm, okay. Well, considering we've got all the time in the world until we're released, whenever that is, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? Well, other than you of course, I really don't know. Genuinely, there's not much to do here, and I've been pretty bored whenever I'm not with you. Hopefully we'll be out before long."

Kokichi rolled his eyes at the comment. "In that case, if you could do anything right now, what would it be?"

"In that case I'd have to say take you to a park, maybe have a picnic. It's one of the things I miss the most. What about you?"

"Huh? Well, I was trying to decide between murder, being pounded into the mattress, or stealing a plastic flamingo, but I guess yours sounds nice too. My heart is slowly but surely on the mend according to the doctors, so maybe I'll be able to do all of mine before long. First thing I'm doing once I'm clear is committing a war crime and getting wrecked by your dick, in that order. Understood?"

"Understood." Shuichi chuckled. "Who says you can't do them both at the same time, though?"

Kokichi gasped. "You're a genius! I knew I kept you around for something!" He laughed. "Come make out with me, you haven't been giving me enough kisses lately." He pouted.

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