Chapter 3

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"It was Tsumugi, the mastermind." Kokichi looked down at Shuichi in shock.

They were on the roof, Shuichi laying down with his hat and jacket off, hands behind his head. Kokichi sat beside him, having been waiting for Kaito to show up. Lights out was in thirty minutes. He wasn't showing up.

"Are you sure?"

Shuichi nodded. "I remembered more today."

"Did you?" Kokichi shot him an accusing glare.

"Ah, of course. Nothing gets past you, Kokichi. The truth is, I haven't remembered anything still. Not really. Team Danganronpa, that's the name of the people in charge of all this, let me watch the show. Since I wasn't making any progress myself. That's how I know so much about it. She died, Kiibo too. Sacrificed himself to end it. Me, Maki, and Himiko were the only survivors."

"Well why didn't you just tell me that, dumbass! It's weird, yeah, but this whole thing is stupidly complicated and nonsensical!" Kokichi whacked Shuichi on the arm with his hand.

"I didn't want to seem different. Now that I'm saying it out loud, that makes more since than remembering things chronologically, huh?"

"My Shumai was smart, what happened to you?" Kokichi pouted. "Wait, no, he was logic and murder smart. Not common fucking sense smart!" He laughed. "Seriously, that was the best excuse you could think of? You were never a good liar, but damn!"

Shuichi put a hand on his chest. "I'm wounded, Kichi, really. You're a pretty shitty liar yourself once I figured out your tell. Which took no time at all, by the way."

"Oh, really? And what, my beloved, would that be?"

"You always act really dramatic when you lie. I can already tell the difference between your exaggerated and real emotions pretty easily."

Kokichi smirked. "Damn, you're not as stupid as I thought. If I really want to lie, I can do it easily. But usually, it's just for fun, and I'll exaggerate it. I don't care if those are revealed, its just a game."

"You love games, don't you? How you managed to convince us all that you were the mastermind is beyond me. We must've been so paranoid that we'd believe anything. Even the world ending."

"Hey, don't think I didn't hear that insult! I could totally be evil, it just wasn't in my best interest at the time!" Kokichi pouted.

Shuichi laughed. "Oh, of course you could. But, if I'm not mistaken, wasn't the murder game the best chance to be evil."

"Waaaah, Saihara-chan's bullying me again! He's so mean!" Kokichi started with his fake crying, earning a small shove to the side from Shuichi.

"Those tears don't work on me and you know it. It's they, by the way. I'm enby. Guess I never told you guys."

"Nu-uh! They're calling me a liar, and that makes me saaaaaaad!" He whined.

"Whatever. There's no getting through to you when you're like this. Kai's not coming, I'm guessing. He probably wasn't feeling up to it, which I get, but he could've mentioned something earlier."

"Aw, I thought I was the only one who got a nickname from you. How rude. Yeah, I figured that much a while ago. I like hanging out with you too, though. You're not totally boring."

"Already flirting with me, are you?" Shuichi asked, obviously teasing.

Kokichi stuck his tongue out at them. "You know it, beloved. Can't believe you forgot about your lover, I'm so wounded. Everyone else, who cares? But me? I could just cry." He giggled.

Shuichi chuckled softly as well. "Please forgive me, darling. It was worth being able to fall for you a second time, the moment I laid eyes on you."

"You know I could tell you were lying, right? Not lying exactly, not that I can tell, I just mean you aren't telling the whole truth. You're hiding a lot. I am too though, and I know your reasons probably aren't malicious, but just humor me. Why should I trust you?" There was no humor in his expression, more like and expectation of betrayal yet to come.

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