Chapter 8

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"Shumai, how did we meet?" Kokichi asked, laying on his back across the bed. "I'm bored."

"How we met?" Shuichi sat beside him. "We went to school together, since the beginning of primary school. And we met Kai in junior high. I was really shy back then, I barely said a word. You were more or less the same, but I could tell it wasn't because you were shy like me. You just didn't waste your breath when you knew no one cared to listen. You got more out of observing, anyway. You had blackmail on our whole high school, simply because you were always paying attention. I was a little scared of you if I'm being honest." They laughed. "Anyone with half a mind should be, you're insanely smart."

"Hm," Kokichi smirked. "That sounds kinda nice. But how did we really meet though? Like, becoming friends, and getting together. What started it?"

Shuichi smiled, a look of nostalgia on their face. "You see, I was bullied pretty badly as a little kid. You noticed, of course, and one day I was really sad. I was hiding behind a tree, crying because some idiot pulled my hair and said some mean stuff to me. It was a little pathetic, and you said that. You found me and told me to stop being pathetic because it was a waste of time listening to a dumbass like him because he didn't even know how to tie his shoes, and I should listen to you instead. And then you spent the rest of recess telling me all the great things you'd learned about me in the past few years. That was in fourth year, by the way. It sounds a little dumb now since we aren't kids anymore, but it stuck. We've been friends since."

"Awww!" Kokichi giggled. "That sounds so cute! I can't wait to remember cute little baby Shu Shu!"

Shuichi blushed and chuckled softly. "Thanks, I suppose. It wasn't quite so dramatic with Kai. He and I had a few classes together in junior high and hit it off pretty much right away. You just tolerated each other at first, but eventually, you guys got closer too. I didn't have to deal with bullying much after that, between him being so intimidating without having to try much, and a lot of students knowing that you've got stuff on them, they mainly left me alone."

Kokichi grinned. "Good! Next question, I want to know how we all got together."

Shuichi nodded. "It wasn't a huge thing, one day in our first year of high school I confessed to both of you, and after some discussion you both accepted, and we started a relationship between the three of us. I knew you both liked each other by that point, and part of what pushed me was fear that you'd get together and I'd be left on the sidelines, never able to confess because I'd be scared of what it could do to your and our relationship. It really couldn't have gone better though, I think. You did tease me a bit, which was to be expected, and we went on a date the next weekend."

"You probably have a lot of great stories about us, huh?"

Shuichi nodded. "I probably have a thousand by now. I used to write them all down."

Kokichi hummed. "Things probably won't ever go back to the way they were. We're different people now, even once we remember everything there'll still be those pesky memories of the game. Even if they aren't technically real, it still feels like they are, and I don't think I'll ever be the exact same person. Same goes for Kaito. You know that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I do." Shuichi shook his head. "It doesn't matter much, though. You haven't changed all that much, and I still love you exactly as you are. It takes some getting used to, that's true, but it's not like you're a different person. You've just got some new experiences, and if anything I think it's changed you for the better. You're so strong, but that's always been true. I guess what I'm trying to say is, after all you've been through, my respect and love for you have only grown."

"You're such a fucking sap." Kokichi scoffed. "I've got another question for you. Shuichi, is that your real name? I know that for a lot of us, our characters had different names than the people that played them. I've been wondering if you're the same."

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