Chapter 12

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*Tw: discussion of SH*

Finally! They'd been told that in a month, they'd all get to go home. It was a lot of time, still, but even if it had been a year, he'd be excited. Just having an end date for their imprisonment was enough to give them back the hope that had been lost for so long.

During his weekly appointment, Kokichi was handed a paper. As he glanced over it, he realized it was a contract, one he had evidently already signed.

"We're aware that you don't remember any of this, but we have video evidence of you signing this form. Read over it, and familiarize yourself with the content because if we discover you've breached your contract, you will be met with extreme legal trouble." His doctor informed him.

It was obviously a confidentiality contract. Any details that could give away the true nature of why this form needed signed were omitted or reworded so they didn't seem to be a problem. Kokichi knew that when he'd signed this, he'd had no idea what he was getting into. Hell, if he didn't know now what would end up happening, then he doubted he'd have thought much of it either. It was a scary thought, knowing how many people had fallen for the same trick he had.

He wasn't allowed to share any secrets regarding the process or results of transferring his personality into the game. He assumed as much. Any unreleased footage may not be released to the public, nor is he allowed to discuss anything he may know about what went on in the game itself that was not included shown. Implying that they weren't allowed to share things they saw on unreleased film, when in reality, it meant they couldn't say what they remembered. Smart. And horrifying. 

It continued on like that, filling in any loopholes that the smartest person may find. There was really, truly nothing he could do while avoiding the unmentioned punishment that would ensue if he broke even one of the carefully laid out rules. He felt like he'd sold his soul to Danganronpa for a fun opportunity to be in his favorite show, uninformed of the pain and trauma it would cause, and forced to preach how incredible it was to the rest of the world so the cycle could continue. It made him sick. 

Kokichi refused to show it, though. He kept a blank stare as he nodded and handed the form back to the doctor and was released to go back to his, or rather Kage's, room.

He collapsed against the door as soon as it shut. Kokichi felt Kage scoop him up in their arms soon after, shaking and sobbing with hatred and anguish. It was the interviews he dreaded most. He had to say he loved being on Danganronpa. He had to tell the whole world that it was the best decision he ever made. For once, he wanted nothing more than to tell everybody the truth. But the one time he didn't want to lie, he didn't have the slightest choice.

"Kokichi, hey, can you talk to me?" Kage had sat down beside him and pulled him onto their lap, rubbing his back in slow, calming circles.

"Just saw the contract." Was all he could mumble out.

Kage's sighed and pressed a kiss to his head. "They showed me not long after I woke up, and I remember signing it anyway. I'm sorry, Ko."

"Why did we have to sign the damn thing?"

"Because we were naive, like everyone else. There's no use dwelling on the past because we can't change it, and we shouldn't blame ourselves for making that choice."

"Blaming myself is easier because if I blame Danganronpa, then it will just hurt more because I know there's no way I can touch them." Kokichi sniffled, trying to wipe off his tears.

Kage tilted his chin up to look him in the eyes. "You should blame them. They're the ones who hurt us. And I know it's hard, I know that it's discouraging, but blaming yourself is only going to make things worse."

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