Chapter 6

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Shuichi Saihara was a lot of things, had been a lot of things, in Kokichi's eyes. But in all instances, they'd always stood out. Timid, cowardly, delusional, and gullible. Amusing, kind, smart, and even trustworthy. Weird, emotional, and observant. But right now, he couldn't think of any better word than adorable.

They'd wanted to watch a movie together, but his partner hadn't made it halfway without falling asleep, face nuzzled into the crook of Kokichi's neck. In the few days since they'd become official, again, Shuichi had been attached to his hip whenever permitted. Clingy, affectionate, and loving. And anyone could tell from a mile away that they cared a lot.

However, they preferred to keep any affection aside from hand-holding behind closed doors. Shuichi was still just as shy, as he'd predicted, so their relationship wasn't public yet. Except for Miu and Kiibo, they both knew the same day it happened.

It felt nice having someone who genuinely wanted to take care of him and, in return, loved to be taken care of as well. They weren't flawless as a partner by any means, but he didn't doubt that they loved him.

Kokichi combed his fingers through their hair. He wished Kaito could see this version of Shuichi. Unfortunately, the former ultimate astronaut had locked himself up in his room since he'd revealed the few memories he's regained. He hadn't answered when Kokichi pounded on his door, either. He'd even tried slipping a note under it, but it had been kicked back a few seconds later.

Following a kiss on his partner's forehead, a yawn escaped Kokichi. He could benefit from a nap, too. He was feeling a bit drowsy after all. Snuggling up to Shuichi, Kokichi was quick to accompany them in dreamland.

A peck on his lips eventually woke Kokichi, drawing a soft groan from him as his eyes fluttered open.

"How was your nap, sleeping beauty?" His partner teased lightly, caressing his cheek.

"Shush." Kokichi picked the pillow up from beneath his head and smacked Shuichi with it. "You were asleep before me. I only decided to take a nap 'cause you were moaning so much that I would've had to jerk off if I kept listening." He lied.

"Really? I was about to say the same thing about you. You were grinding on my knee in your sleep, only settled down once you orgasmed." Shuichi teased back, pressing his face back against Kokichi's neck. "I love you."

"Love you too, whore." Kokichi snickered. He slid his hands down and squeezed Shuichi's butt. "Squish squish!" He giggled.

Shuichi squeaked. They were quick to recover, though, slipping their hand down Kokichi's pants and groping him directly. "Be good, or I'll spank you." He warned.

"You wouldn't. You're too nice." Kokichi stuck out his tongue and was met with a raised eyebrow from Shuichi.

"I've spanked you plenty of times, love." They pulled their hands back in favor of hugging their boyfriend. "You squirt when you're getting spanked."

"I do not!"

"You totally do." Shuichi chucked, pressing a light kiss to Kokichi's neck. "And you have the cutest butt, before and after."

"Shush. You have a cute butt too, and I bet you like being spanked just as much." Kokichi pinched their ear lightly.

"Eh, can't argue with that." Shuichi stood up, scooping Kokichi up in their arms.

"Yes, carry your leader!" He smiled, holding onto Shuichi, who spun around causing Kokichi to laugh. "Wheee!"

Shuichi dropped him back onto the bed and got on top of him, cupping their boyfriend's cheek and kissing him passionately. Kokichi was quick to return it, arms draped over their shoulders.

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