Chapter 14

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Two more weeks. Then they were free. Well, not completely, but as free as they'd ever get. The interviews and press would only last a year max, then the next season would be out and they'd be forgotten. There was a hefty sum of money given to each one of them, ¥500,000,000 (~$3,700,000). Seriously, how much money did Team Danganronpa have? It had to be among the richest companies in Japan.

The money didn't make it better, but it was nice that they wouldn't have to worry about work for a long time. With pay like that, it was no wonder why so many were eager to sign up. Those numbers would catch anybody's eye.

"With the pay, I'll be able to restart my inventing business!" Miu grinned widely. "I'll triple that in no time flat, just you watch!" Her spirits were high as anyone's with their upcoming release date. She already planned to steer her interviews toward future goals, and though he'd never admit it, Kokichi thought that was pretty genius. Not only did it mean she wouldn't have to talk much about Danganronpa, but she'd also be promoting herself.

"I'm putting mine into getting a teaching degree, then I'm going to save the rest," Kiibo stated, ignoring Miu and Kokichi's booing.

Kokichi leaned back in his seat. "I'm not totally sure about that yet. We're buying an actual house, for one thing. Not too big. And I want a cat."

"Yeah, I figured you were a cat person. You act like a cat." Miu scoffed. "Needy, lazy, and you've got crazy mood swings."

"Yep!" Kokichi giggled. "That's what makes me, and cats, so lovable. Right, Kii?"

"No comment." They sighed.

"Aw, I'm more lovable than him, right Kiibo?" Miu leaned her head against them, and they looked away with a faint blush.

"You're both equally lovable. Take that however you want." They told her.

She sighed and sat up. "No fun. I get what you mean now, Ko."

"Hm?" Kokichi's attention was caught by the sound of running on the tile floors, coming towards the dining hall. Turning towards the entrance, he was shocked to see Kaede, who'd been among the 'least stable' of the patients, whatever that meant. She seemed to be looking for someone, it was obvious who when her eyes locked with Kage's and joy and tears filled her eyes.

Kage looked confused. They'd been eating with Kai, separate from Kokichi since they got tired being around him and Miu at the same time. Which he understood. They knew, of course, that they and Kaede were close friends in the few days they'd known each other, but frankly, they may as well have forgotten.

"Shuichi!" She cried, throwing herself towards them and hugging them tightly. She kissed their cheek and sobbed happily into their shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay. The doctors wouldn't let me see you. I couldn't talk, anyway, and I had to stay hooked up to machines so I could breathe. I'm sorry I took so long. I've been thinking about you this whole time."

"Ah." Kage pat her shoulder awkwardly while Kai snickered. "Um. Yeah. Hi."

"Alright, that's good." Kai got up and gently pulled her off of them. "I get you're happy to see them, but you're obviously making them uncomfortable."

Kaede gasped. "Oh no! I'm sorry, Shuichi, I didn't mean to. I guess it's been a long time now, hasn't it? I was so excited to see you, I forgot. Sorry." She rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish grin.

"It's okay." Kage mumbled.

"Oh, your hat!" She noticed. "You're not wearing it anymore!"

Kage nodded. "Yeah, that's true. Listen, Akamatsu-San, I need to tell you-"

Kaede grabbed their hands with a brilliant smile. "We should go on a date when we get out of here! There's a lovely coffee shop near where I live, and -"

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