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"I don't understand your love for me"
- You Alone by One Seed Worship

Dominic Ryan Perez

It felt safe. I hate ships. Maybe because of the crazy stories I used to read. But this ship felt safe. Maybe because Athena was with me. Or maybe because Eliza was here.

I kept thinking back to the night at the cliff. She was going to shoot her cousin. Was she out of her mind? Stupid question. She always is.

I was deep in thought so I didn't exactly notice when Eliza left but I snapped out of my thoughts when Athena kept staring at me.

"You good?" was my first instinct. She raised her brows at me before looking down and rubbing the bridge of her nose. "We just pretty much faked our deaths" she stated. "Technically not. We just didn't tell anybody that we are alive" I tried to cheer her up.

"I'm worried about them" she admits. I can see the worry clearly on her face. She didn't even need to point it out.

"You have spent half your life worrying about somebody else and doing shit for other people. Do this one thing for yourself. Let yourself be selfish" I told her. I don't know if it's good advice but if I was her, I'd want to hear something like that.

"They will hate me" she groans. "More than you hate yourself?" I ask. Athena Carpenter is probably one of the most negative people I know. The hate she has for herself cannot compete with anything really.

I didn't even know a person could hate herself that much. For no real reason. "This is why I hate myself" she says staring at the floor.

"Please stop" I said catching her off guard as she raised her head to look at me. "I wish I could" she says before standing up and leaving our cabin.

At least she has a reason to live. Right?

As much as I would love to keep thinking about her, we have a new direction now. We have work to do and we need to do it fast. We need to be careful.

Now I'm just talking to myself. Well fuck.

I got up. If everybody else had somewhere to go then maybe I do too. I decided to explore the ship. That would be fun.

I found my way to the higher decks. There were shops and restaurants and even a spa. My favorite find although, was a gaming room. The man at the entrance took one look at me and then handed me a card. He explained that everything is free for me. Everywhere.

God bless money and power.

I enjoyed myself at the arcade room for a bit. That was until I happened to see my half-sister talking to some man nearby.

I was meaning to ask her where we were and when we would arrive.

"Eliza" I called out to her. The man noticed me before she did, he gave her a nod and left. She turned to me. "Yes?" she said.

"When are we arriving and where?" I asked directly. "In half an hour we will be arriving in Tallinn, Estonia" she smiles.

I think Athena mentioned that she speaks the Estonian language. But I have never actually seen the country in real life nor on a map.

If We Lasted Forever | BOOK 2 ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant