11 | Wild

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Kiara Athena Carpenter

These fucking bastards.

Imagine waking up in a car in the middle of men after explaining to them why you won't come with them.

This is fucking kidnapping.

My eyes are still closed. They don't have to know I'm awake. The sedative is pretty weak. Or I'm just strong.

Caleb is driving and Luke is sitting on the passenger seat. To my left is Elijah and to my right is Dominic. The others are probably in another car.

And I only know that because I'm smart and they never change.

Dominic always has car keys in his left pocket which I can feel and Elijah has rings on his fingers which I can feel due to his hand on mine. Luke was way too upset to be behind the wheel so that leaves Caleb.
Caleb would never go into another car after just finding me.

I'm smart like that.

I open my eyes slowly. My head is on Elijah's shoulder so the movement wasn't noticed right away.

"She will hate you for the rest of your lives" Dominic speaks from beside me. "What's done is done. Besides we didn't inject the sedative" Caleb answers. Worry in his voice is very slight but still there.

Aw. He doesn't want me to hate him. Cute.

Unfortunately for me and fortunately for them I could never hate my brothers. I can despise them and want to hurt them at times but I love them.

Sometimes I even wish I didn't. I can't have weaknesses and I can't put then in danger which is why I can't be in this car any longer.

The thoughts are suffocating me. Like waves pulling me under. That's why I hate being awake or sober.

I know there is nobody who can protect me. Every mistake or regret makes its way back into my brain forming images I wish I could forget.

I pull away from Elijah alerting the whole car. I push past him and open the car door. Before I could jump I'm pulled back. The door is closed and locked. Both Elijah and Dominic holding onto me for dear life.

"What the fuck!" Caleb yells. "We're in the middle of a highway going 120 km/h. What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" he continues.

His voice is shaky. I try to move but I can't.

Silence. In my head. Was it the adrenaline or were they preparing to yell at me all at once? I don't know.

"Get me out of this fucking car!" I yell.

I want to go for the door again but the lock is electronic and wouldn't open. I look at Dominic. He eyes me for a second before turning to Caleb.

"Pull over" he says. "I can't she'll run" Caleb responded. "No she won't. Pull over and stay in the car. I'll take her outside" Dom speaks with dominance.

Caleb grabs a walkie-talkie and speaks into it. "Pulling over" after approximately 7 seconds they respond. "Roger that".

We pull into an empty parking lot. Remind you, it's dark outside. Maybe I was asleep for longer than I thought.

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