17 | Brother

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"I may not be able to solve all of your problems but I promise you will never have to face them alone"
- a sibling

Christopher Andreas Carpenter

If I had to explain what having a little sister feels like, I wouldn't know what to say. Mainly because mine is a fucking psycho but also because it is an unreal feeling.

It is the responsibility you have put on yourself to no matter what look after that little girl. To make sure she is safe.

And it hurts so bad when you realize that those who hurt her are inside her mind. You can't beat them up or threaten them. You just have to sometimes sit in the rain and wait for them to stop. Wait for them to let her go.

So here we were.

Soaking wet, both just holding onto each other and praying that whatever this is would stop. She mumbled begging them to stop.

I can't help but remember when she was little. She must have been around 6 when one day she came to my room in the middle of the night.

It was like 3 am and I was fast asleep when I heard my door open. I didn't want to wake up but when I heard her quiet crying I was awake.

She was cold. Like she had been kept in a freezer for a few hours. She felt cold and she told me she was.

I thought she had had a nightmare so I just held her close to me. She mumbled incoherent words at first and at some point she mumbled something I could never forget. "Please make them stop" she said.

At that time I was convinced it was someone in the nightmare.

Now I know better. It was our parents. In the end of the day the demons she has are memories and reminders of them. Their words that keep repeating. Elijah told me about her shooting Dominic. How her eyes looked empty. Like she was controlled.

And that was what is happening now.

Alex Alessandro Carpenter

I am flabbergasted (as Kie would say) when I hear about her being missing. The boys' chat is blowing up. Yes we have a group chat without Kie.

💥🔥The boys 💪😈

Dominic: she responded with only one word at a time, that's why I'm worried

Caleb: can't you just track her phone?

Elijah: that would be disrespectful

Caleb: that's what you care about?!

me: calm down.

Chris: found her.

Dominic: where are you?

Chris: not gonna tell you

Caleb: bruh

Elijah: let her be

Chris: I'll bring her back soon.

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