Bonus Chapter - Graduation & Mia Meet's Matthew's Parents

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The main courtyard of the university has been converted into a beautiful display for our graduating class. After such a turbulent year, with classes having to be cancelled when Sparta attacked, Matthew went around campus afterwards asking all his students what they wanted for this graduation ceremony. And if there was anything he could do for the Valley and for the students to make up for the crazy turn of events.

Most of our pack members, they were just happy to keep me. I made sure to thank them for their support. I spent several afternoons walking through Old Town, letting our extended family congratulate me on the pregnancy. Tyler staying by my side as I received hugs and words of appraisal. A few members nearly made me cry. Telling me how happy they are that Matthew and I are together.

The a beautiful safe haven. I love it entirely because of that. The serenity of the spring and summer made it so beautiful. I would go kayaking with my students on the lake. I got to learn about one of the traditions here—on the first day of spring, there's the canoe race. Every different college at the university would pick their top students. They would race on the canoe and the entire Valley would watch.

Matthew was on a boat at the end of the lake so while he couldn't exactly cheer on a team as to not seem biased—there was no way in hell I wasn't going to cheer for my fellow students.

"Go Evan!" I cried over the lake. I'm sure my voice getting lost with all the shouts and cries behind me. It was like a little relay race but better. Several canoes shooting across the lake where Matthew stood with a buzzer until one of them crossed the finish line.

I didn't care I was pregnant, I was jumping and screaming so loud. Evan, Ashley, Jeremy, and a few of my other usual students had won. They all stood in the shaky canoe, their oars over their heads. I begged Tyler—begged him—to put me on his shoulders. After some debate, he obliged.

Tyler laughed as I sat on his shoulders, howling into the air. "Those are my students!"

"Tia Mia!" They call called howling back. "We won!"

And Matthew laughed from his boat. He quaked their canoe just a little bit until they were jumping or falling into the water. Swimming to shore where they joined me with laughter and smiles.

Now, all the students are graduating. And what had they asked for? For me to say their names as they walked to receive their diploma's and their ceremonial Valley Brands. But that wasn't enough.

The seniors had signed a petition that I brought to Matthew's office—smiling brightly at him. He laughed when he read it. They wanted him to play the graduation walk song on his guitar while they walked across the stage.

There aren't that many seniors—it's not like our University is that large or overpopulated. Which means, everyone is here at graduation. Our graduates are sitting in the front, their parents or family members pushed off towards the sides, and every university student who wanted to come is sitting up on the hill, watching nearby.

It's tradition for people to make a day out of it. Our pack members providing picnics and barbeques on the hill all day long while Matthew and I have to dress in our attire. Now, I'm standing on our makeshift stage. In front of the podium and looking out towards our students. The day beautiful and bright.

They wanted me to speak this year. I was honored to do it, but I would be lying if I wasn't nervous too. Matthew has helped me over the last few nights. Sitting across from me in his office, listening to me as I go over my speech over and over.

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