Chapter 5 - Some Nice Strangers

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Being a rogue is brutal. The first few days when I was out on my own every small sound would quickly make me trip up. I've never been away from home this long and I know that the woods are surrounded by different supernatural beings.

At night, I'll find a secluded tree truck or bury myself under some branches in wolf form to keep warm and sleep—not so peacefully. There's no rush for me to arrive to the mountains. I know where I'm headed but in my current state, I don't know how I'll be received.

One morning, as I'm walking in human form through the forest when I begin to hear the sound of laughter and running. I shouldn't have, but the sounds were so innocent and playful that I started to trek in their direction. Just over a small hill, I look down a fresh spring where a young man and woman are splashing each other laughing. They look like two innocent teenagers having fun.

A small smile creeps over my face until the breeze wafts their scents towards me. Even though they smell human, I instantly get a small hint of wolf. I knew the forest would have wolves but for a split second I'm terrified that I've stepped into a territory without knowing. I take one step back, my foot crunching down on a twig.

They're eyes instantly snap towards me and I watch as the man's eyes turn solid black as he meets mine. A low snarl escapes his lips and he sniffs up in the air trying to figure out what I am. In a split second, I turn and make a run for it.

It's not long before a brown wolf cuts me off. I could shift and try to fight my way out, so I drop my backpack on the ground, letting my nails start to elongate and my canines begin to grow along my lip.

"Stop." The girl from the creek stands behind me. Her and the wolf sandwiching me and making me feel trapped. Her head is tilted to the side, eyes watching me carefully.

"Just let me pass." I decide to keep my eyes on the wolf in front of me. His snarl still perched on his muzzle.

"Where are you going?" She asks me rather calmly.

"I'm not trying to trespass on your land." I explain briefly, "Just let me pass."

She lets out a small laugh, "Land? We own no land."

I finally turn to look at her, my shock evident on my face as he gives me a half-grinned smile. "What?"

Her eyes shift to the wolf. They begin a small telepathic conversation, his eyes darting from mine to hers. After a few snarls, he loosens his body, letting me know he won't be attacking me any time soon. In seconds, he shifts back to his human self, the girl tossing him a pair of shorts.

"How long have you been a rogue?" He asks me with his arms crossed.

"A few days," I answer quietly.

"Why?" The girl asks.

Every inch of my body is telling me to run but since they've both relaxed, I can only assume they aren't a threat. "That's none of your business."

There is no need to tell them the circumstances that have led to me being a rogue. Rejected or not, having to leave my pack has been one of the worst things to ever happen to me.

The couple look between each other again. Their minds almost visibly linking in their heads. The silence befalling me and making me more frustrated.

"Fine." The man huffs, visibly irritated. "We can take her back, but you explain this one to Hala and Kane."

I start to panic, unsure who and where they are referring to. As if sensing my fear, the girl takes a small step towards me. A warm smile suddenly on her face. "We're not going to hurt you. We have a camp, with food and shelter. It's where a lot of us live. You don't have to come, but it might be nice to get some warm stew if you've been running for the last few days."

The thought of warm stew instantly makes me stomach turn. Or having a proper roof over my head. A goodnights' sleep. All things I now consider luxuries. But I can't trust these two. I don't know who they are. What they want. Maybe they're trying to lure me into their camp to kill me.

"I-I can't." I hesitate. "I need to get to the mountains."

"Really?" Her eyebrow raises, "We know a few people who are headed there in the morning."

The man growls, "Jess..."

"Oh, come on." Jess rolls her eyes. "If they're already making the trip, might as well just carry a stray up there. At least she won't be alone."

My voice catches in my throat, do I trust them? Do I run? Maybe they're just being nice so they can kill me as soon as I step foot on their camp.

"I-I would appreciate that." I stutter out.

"Great." Jess smile brightly. She steps closer to me to formally introduce herself. "I'm Jess. This is my mate, Eric."

"Mia." I introduce myself.

Jess turns to her mate, who sighs deeply. He moves past me and ahead. "Follow me," He says under his throat.

At first, I don't notice it. But as soon as Eric is leading us into the forest, my breath hitches in my throat. On his shoulder blade I instantly recognize the brand. The sigil against the crown. The Mark of the Rebellion. Every pack knows there is a rebellion against the crown forming outside the kingdom. Wolves who do not believe the King should have his powers. We've only seen drawings of the sigil as they've been circulated in packs for us to stay away from it. It's a Celtic rune that I don't fully understand but so clearly burned into his skin like he's been branded. A part of me wonders how it hasn't healed. It must be laced with something painful.

I see Eric look over his shoulder to stare at me. He knows I'm staring at the mark, but he doesn't even flinch. Without hesitation he says, "If you favor the Royal, I suggest you turn back now."

I have nothing for or against the King. He's like a mythical being or martyr. I know he exists, and I've seen plenty of pictures, but because I'm not from the Kingdom, I wouldn't say I know him very well. Our Werewolf King and the Werewolf Capital is an island. I've heard it's almost magical and some part of me wants to visit someday. But not now.

"You're both part of the rebellion." I state simply.

"Yes." Jess answers curtly as they lead me through the woods. "Soon we'll be at the camp and you'll get to meet a few other rebels."


A/N: hi everyone! Hope you're liking the story! Please let me know how you're enjoying it and feel free to share it with friends :) 

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