Chapter 30 - Going Rogue II

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A/N: Guys!!! Thank you so much for the 20 votes. I am horrendously drunk at the moment -- whist at a club. But you made it to the 20 votes and as promised, here is the next chapter :)) I love you all very very much and I'm so glad you're enjoying my story <<333 sorry for any mistakes as I haven't properly edited it yet haha


I must have passed out in the back of my wolf's mind. Hours flew by like minutes. We're so far away from the Valley and by the time I start to realize my surroundings, I can't even tell where we are anymore.

North, my wolf answers for me. I took us North. Away from Sparta and away from the Valley.

My legs are shaking, and I think I've reached the maximum limit of running tonight. It's already dark outside. The winter nights much colder than the day. I start walking through the forest. My tail tucked behind my legs as I just aimlessly wander.

My wolf is despondent. She isn't reacting to anything right now. But luckily the pain has numbed and stopped stinging. The anger has subdued—replaced by enervation. I start to smell something familiar in the air. Slightly confused but intrigued. With caution, I let my nose guide me to a small clearing.

I stay hidden by the line of trees. A tiny campfire with food roasting making me drool. A couple—one guy and a girl—sitting around smiling at one another. They don't notice me at all until the breeze shifts slightly, my scent drifting towards them.

They stand up instantly, growling heavily. I'm about to retreat into the woods—scared I'm legitimately going to be killed—when the girl speaks up first. "Wait," her voice is confused. Eyebrows narrowing together. Oddly, there's something familiar in her face but I can't quite put it. Maybe that's why my wolf and I haven't run away.

"Eric," She turns to the guy who's suddenly taking a protective stance in front of her. "I think that's..."

Her voice drifts off and they seem to mind link. Eric's tense body relaxes slightly. Their eyes staring at me with a small tinge of friendliness. Eric sighs out, "Dammit Jess why do you have to be so fucking nice all the time. Do you know how long I chased that rabbit?"

He sits back down at the fire. Jess seems to ignore him, her eyes trained on me delicately. "Would you like something to eat?" Her voice is kind and the smile on her face inviting.

I tentatively move out of the forest, her expression watching me carefully. She tells Eric to look away, but his back is already turned to me as he roasts the rabbit. I shift into my human form, grabbing a sweatshirt and pants from my tote bag. Déjà vu hitting me but I can't really figure out why.

The couple stare at me as I take a seat beside them. "I'm Jess," The girl tells me kindly. "This is my mate, Eric."

I nod at them, my voice small. "Mia."

They turn to look at one another. Eric hands me some food once he notices that I'm drooling. "You really don't remember?" Jess asks under her breath.

I frown, "Remember?"

Eric coughs, his throat clearing. "So what brings you so deep into the forest, Mia?"

I don't want to cry. I don't want to think about it. I hug myself as I try to gather warmth from the fire. I decide to just stay silent, just eating some of the food and letting the couple stare at me. Eric hands me something to drink and I gulp it down swiftly.

"You need to be careful." Eric says, somewhat concerned. "A bit more north and you'll cross into the Sierra pack."

I nod in understanding, keeping my eyes staring straight into the fire. Jess scoots closer to me, her arm wrapping over my shoulder. I tense slightly, but something tells me she's not a threat. It's so strange. I feel like I've met these people before, but my memory is failing me. Even their scents are familiar.

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