Chapter 20 - Absolutely Insulting

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To say that the party was a success is an understatement. All day when I was walking on campus, students would greet me with a smile and wave, giving me their thanks for throwing the party. A few would bow their heads which at first, I found odd but then realized it's probably because I'm with Matthew. I wonder if they're doing it out of respect for Matthew or if they genuinely view me as a Luna.

My friends invited me to go up into the mountains with them today. Tyler said he found a really cool spot he wants to show us. Despite my wolf wanting to go for a run, she's much more eager to see Matthew. Especially because we're getting so much closer—both emotionally and physically.

I can't help the jitters I feel as I make my way to the castle. Lately, I've been spending so much more time there anyways. I've started having dinner there with Matthew and Sage. Occasionally the guards that are stationed will come inside and share a meal with us. Matthew says he hates the idea of having his warriors stand outside while he's eating well. Being around them has really made me realize the extraneous amount of training they go through. It's not Sparta level, but there are certain drills that even I wouldn't dare doing.

I arrive happily to the front doors, the two warriors giving me kind smiles as I walk up casually. "Hey Joel," I smile to my left. Then to my right, "What's up John?"

They both return my kindness. Letting me know that they're excited to see me at the Full Moon this weekend for Eli's monthly trivia night. Apparently, a bunch of students and locals meet up to get asked these crazy trivia questions. It supposedly gets very competitive because the students want to prove that they're smart and the locals want to affirm that university knowledge isn't always as valuable as it seems. Tyler already signed me up to be part of his group. He thinks that just because I'm a professor I'll be able to answer everything but to be honestly, I would be impressed with myself if I could just answer one question.

Once I finish my small talk with the two warriors, I walk into Matthew's castle. Oddly, it's starting to feel like home to me. I can't tell if that's good or bad. I walk over to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink and snack on. Matthew says I can help myself to whatever I want and at this point, it's embarrassing having to ask him for a glass of water.

I start to head up the staircase towards his office. It's only when I reach the top steps that I start to feel his aura. Irate energy is pulsing off of him. My wolf starts to run circles in my head, begging to go comfort him. The energy is so strong that I almost find myself developing anger. I can almost sense his need to punch a hole in the wall.

Once I reach his office door, I hear several voices on the other side. Matthew and Sage being the first ones and then a third I don't recognize. For a split second, I'm uncertain whether I should even knock on his office door. A part of me realizing that he might want to be alone, but another side of me knowing that if I was this furious, I would want him to comfort me.

I knock lightly at first, letting their voices die down. No one says anything, no invitation to enter is extended. I'm just about to open my mouth to let him know it's me and that I'll wait for him in the living room, when suddenly the door opens.

Matthew is standing in front of me, the energy around him so intense I could practically see rage steaming off of him. His eyes turn black as soon as he sees me, staring at me for what feels like forever as his hand grips the door with white knuckles. For a moment, I start to wonder if I'm the cause of his anger. If maybe I did something wrong that has upset him. It makes me panic for a second. Until Matthew pulls me into a tight embrace. His chest vibrating and face instantly pushing down into my neck.

There's a rumble in the back of his throat as he tries to suppress a growl. His breathing intensifying trying to inhale me. I wrap my arms around him, rubbing his shoulder gently while he tries to calm down. "What's wrong?" I ask quietly against him.

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