Chapter 14 - Old Town

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A day with Alpha Matthew? Is that really a smart idea?

Who cares, my wolf howls. He's so fucking hot. Go on a date with him.

This isn't a date, I tell her quickly.

Matthew starts to slowly walk towards me and suddenly I feel like prey being stalked by a predator. He has his hands in his pocket, his eyes intensely holding me in my place. "I can take you through Old Town, we can grab lunch at my favorite restaurant, and then you can tell Sage about how she missed out."

Sounds like a date to me, my wolf is giddy. She feels so happy and excited that I can't help feeling her joy rake through my body.

"Is that a yes?" Matthew asks as soon as he's a few inches away from me.

I realize quickly that I haven't spoken in a while. I bite down on my lip, Matthew's eyes flicking over my mouth before meeting my eyes again. Pulling in every bit of confidence I have, I push a genuine smile, "I would love for you to play tour guide for me today."

Matthew let's out a chuckle, his entire body perking up. "I'll go get dressed then."

He doesn't move for a second, staring at me before turning and heading upstairs. Once he's out of the room, I start breathing normally. My heart has been fluttering and I need to compose myself. It's already hard to function around Matthew's 'Alpha' aura. Now it's even harder knowing how attractive I find him.

Matthew comes back in just a few seconds. He's switched in a pair of jeans but kept his black t-shirt. I try not to ogle him as he spins his car keys around his finger. When he sees me, he smiles, "Ready?"

Matthew leads me outside. There's a shelter of sorts just a bit down the road which I quickly realize is Matthew's garage. I guess when you live in a crazy old castle, garages weren't built back in the day. My jaw drops when I see Matthew's small collection of vehicles. A few motorcycles, some dirt bikes and four-wheelers, but more importantly, a black slick G Wagon.

I slide into the passenger seat as soon as Matthew gets into the drivers. He doesn't even blink twice as he pulls his car out towards Old Town. I want to talk to him. Ask him about his life and why he's so dedicated to the university. Instead, my voice gets caught in my throat as I watch him drive. The veins in his forearms prominent, the way he leans one elbow on the passenger door, his thumb tapping on the steering wheel.

Matthew looks at me through the corner of his eyes. Instead of turning away, I give me a smile. "You're staring," I tell him. "Eyes on the road."

I snap my fingers, pointing forward. A small hum comes from his chest but instead of it making me afraid, I can't help it and laugh gently. Despite the butterflies I get from him, he makes me feel very comfortable and I've realized that here I can truly be myself. Unlike in Sparta where being a nerd is practically frown upon, I feel accepted here. Especially when I talk to Matthew.

Matthew parks his car along a street by the lake. I can already tell that Old Town is adorable. There are small shops, little boutiques, and so many families or groups of students that are out on this beautiful Saturday.

As soon as Matthew stops the car, I step out and feel excited. Thus far, my experience here has been amazing. Getting to know the rest of the pack has me giddy. I feel Matthew's hand on the small of my back, he looks down at me, "Come, I'll show you around."

As we're walking through town, everyone bows their heads to Matthew. They give him smiles or say their hellos. Instead of keeping his gaze straight ahead the way Bren would, he nods to everyone that shows him respect.

"You're adored here." I tell him once we're on the main street.

"No, just respected." He waves at a few kids who are shouting for him. "I don't believe a true leader can lead if they don't fully understand who they're leading. I make sure that I respect everyone and ideally, that leads to them respecting me."

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