Chapter 2 - The Glaze

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Finals suck. We're all exhilarated when they're over. It doesn't take our professor too long to grade the results. With the ceremony only being a few days away, he doesn't have much of a choice. Besides, some of us are being transferred to other packs or moving on to our positions within the pack. We need to know as soon as possible what the results are.

It only took about two days for the results to come out. Both Clara and I passed, but I got a nearly perfect score. Everyone was baffled, including myself. I studied, but I didn't think I would get such a high score. My professor mentioned that I would graduate with honor's and would get the opportunity to give a speech during the ceremony as valedictorian of our lectures. I would be going right after the results of the fight. Last girl standing is always declared the strongest and thus, is granted a moment of fame in front of the pack to acknowledge her physical strength. There's no way in hell that'll be me.

Clara and I are in our work out clothes. In the distance, next to the tree line where our clearing meets the forest, we can all see the numerous campfires and torches that are lit. It's dark outside but a beautiful full moon grants us better visibility.

On cue, we start marching towards the ceremony just how we rehearsed a few days ago. Once we get there, Alpha Bren will greet us individually. He'll let us choose a number in a hat that tells us who we'll be fighting. And then the games begin.

My nerves start to hammer the closer we get to the campfire. There's something weird about tonight. Like the air is buzzing. My wolf feels uncomfortable, and a bad feeling hits the pit of my stomach.

As if she could sense it, Clara reaches for my hand. We're marching in sync, our eyes locked on the ceremony in front of us where our entire pack as joined. I always knew we had a huge pack, but seeing everyone circled today around the fighting ring—it's surreal. There are so many of us. So many men, women, and children who are waiting to watch us spill blood and tears on the ground.

"It's okay," Clara whispers to me. "You're going to do great."

I nod softly, trying to remember her encouraging words the other day. It's been years since a male has died, and even more years since a female has died. Don't worry, you're going to live. You might get the living shit beat out of you, but you'll live.

She was right. This is going to be a bit of a painful night, but it's not something I can't get through.

"Let's get the living shit beat out of us." I whisper back with a sick smile. Clara grins, her eyes lighting up as the fires get closer.

Once we're in the fighting ring, we line up side-to-side. Our instructor giving a short introduction. He goes down the list of names, mentioning our ages as well.

"Clara Garve, twenty-one!" He shouts to the crowd as Clara steps forward.

"Mia Holm, twenty-two!" On cue, I step forward as well. Once everyone is done, we all turn towards Alpha Bren. He starts coming down the line, letting us all pick a number from the bag in his hand.

He does look different than I remember. His expression more serious, like a businessman instead of the happy teenager I once remember. He looks bigger as well. Like his body and wolf grew when he inherited his title. There's a small battle scar on his jaw line. No one really knows where it came from, but plenty of stories have circulated in the pack. Some people say he got it when fighting a member of the rebellion. Others say he fought one of the Royal Kings' guards when he went to the Royal Capital to officially claim his title and pledge loyalty to the King. But really, it's unsure.

He reaches Clara and I, his expression softening slightly. He nods at Clara politely—something he didn't do to other members. His eyes suddenly turning to me, corner of his lip raising slightly. "Well, if it isn't my favorite tutor."

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