Chapter 38 - Chess Game

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A/N: I'll be showcasing my upcoming stories soon! I've made up the covers and concepts so I'm excited to share that with you guys ^-^ ENJOY


We're only walking for about fifteen minutes when we see a tent in the distance. It has the Royal flag flying on the top and there are several Royal Guards stationed outside of it. Our scouts didn't catch whiff of this which signifies to me that they must have just set it up within the last hour or so.

There are so many wolves surrounding the area it's partially unbelievable. I know that the King is meant to be protected—especially now when there's such a massive rebellion in the works. But I didn't expect him to bring his army with him. And yet, something tells me this isn't his full power.

I turn over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of who all has been called to come with Matthew, Bren, and I. Sage and Jake are close on our trail, Tyler, River, and a few Spartans I know as well. I quickly notice that Clara must have been sent back with the rest of our pack. I try not to panic and hope she's headed to the Valley and not being forced to go to Sparta. There are guards surrounding all of us as the King stalks towards the tent. No one daring to do anything as his aura suffocates us.

Reaching the entrance, the King turns to his Beta—Ezra. In a low yet forceful tone, he orders simply, "The three culprits first."

Aiden struts into the tent, the door swishing lightly as Matthew, Bren, and I are escorted in. I turn to Matthew as we're suddenly pulled apart. One guard placing Bren to my far right and another guard putting Matthew to my far left. It leaves me square in the middle as we approach a small throne where the King is making his way.

The inside of the tent reminds me of Harry Potter. It looks much bigger than the outside. The wooden stakes holding up the center and sides so well that it makes the ceiling look fifteen-feet tall. There is a subdivision to the sides—like a war room similar to the one Matthew created in our kitchen.

Matthew, I link him with concern. I can feel how angry the King is. And I'm sure he's masking a majority of his feelings.

Matthew doesn't give me a chance to express my fear. I know he can sense it. He instantly links me back, his green eyes meeting me with a soft smile, Everything is going to be okay, gorgeous. I promise.

The King takes his seat on the makeshift throne. From the stories I've heard, the one he has on the island is magnificent. A large black—almost obsidian chair that's been around for centuries. It's rumored that within the iron frame, bits of meteors that fell from the moon interlace it—giving it a blueish hue and glow. Right now, this makeshift throne looks like an extra large dining room chair. Dark wood and a black cushioned seat and back.

I'm scared Mia. My wolf says in the back of my head. Our senses are wired towards Matthew. The thought of being split apart sending my stomach turning.

King Aiden's eyes fall on the three of us. The guards taking steps back as they stand by the entrance and keep their attention on our movements. They close the curtained entrance, which at first, I don't expect it to do much but for some reason I watch as it turns solid. The smell of magic emitting through the air.

Ezra takes his place next to the King. It's the first time I look him over. Unlike the King's golden locks, Ezra is buzz cut. His expression hard—almost military like. His eyes dark unlike Aiden's. He looks like the complete opposite of his King. Whereas King Aiden's face is majestically beautiful, Ezra's is tainted with a hideous scar that goes down the side of his face.

"Kneel." Ezra commands us as soon as Aiden has finished looking us up and down. The three of us do as we're told. Bren and I going as far as bowing our heads but Matthew keeps his back straight, shoulders and jaw squared, as his eyes never falter from the King.

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