Chapter 26 - Oh-So-In-Love

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A/N: just a little smut below. No biggie

The aftermath of the Initiation was by all means a success. Sage was right—the after party was full. So many wolves greeting me gleefully. Their minds linking me while they bowed their heads or shake my hand. Eli and his mate walked up to me. Smiling brightly as they congratulated me through the mind link. Plenty of my students were incredibly joyous—even exhilarated—having me become an official pack member. The entire time, Matthew stayed by my side. He was radiating pride—literally. His aura was almost infectious with delight. His hand staying on the small of my back, leading me through the crowds of wolves. Even though my attention tended to be on someone else, I could feel his intense eyes on me—watching me so intently.

Luna, my wolf was purring all night long. The idea hasn't hit me fully yet. But it makes me glow. I feel radiate and powerful, my back straightening and my movements a bit more deliberate. Joy doesn't begin to describe how prideful I am. To call this place home and to help Matthew ensure the success of the pack.

The first to leave the party were families with smaller pups. They always stopped to give their regards to Matthew and to officially welcome me. The university students followed after—getting ready for their countless after-parties hosted on and off campus. The pre-gaming of champagne did not go unnoticed.

By the time a majority of people were gone, I felt like a truck had hit me. So many emotions in one day and I was exhausted. Matthew drove us home in the G-Wagon. His hand holding mine the entire time. We danced at the party, smiling brightly like two teenagers in love. We kept getting interrupted by wolves who were congratulating me, but our bliss I'm sure didn't go unseen.

"Are you tired?" Matthew asked as soon as we got home.

"A bit," I yawned with a shrug. Kicking off my heels haphazardly and finally being able to walk. He followed me upstairs but instead of retreating into his room I went to my comfort zone—his office.

Now we're sitting here—me curled up on his couch reading a book. Matthew sitting on the ground with his back pressed on the sofa. He's playing his acoustic guitar softly, his bowtie untied and hanging loosely around his neck. His tuxedo jacket tossed by my feet.

As I read, I push my fingers through his hair, curling it his locks around my finger and playing delicately. I can hear his soft purring and sighs of content every occasion. Even my insides feel warm and gooey. Oh, I hope this never changes. The sight of Matthew playing his guitar, the way his hair is tousled by my fingers, his glasses making my stomach flip.

When I finish the chapter, I don't tell Matthew. I just watch him play beautifully. My mind and heart completely engrossed by him. He seems to sense my eyes on him because he smiles gently.

"You're not reading." He says matter-of-factly.

"Just watching you play." I pull my knees to my chest, hugging them closely. My dress is wrinkled now but I don't care.

He glances at me through the corner of my eye, smiling brightly, "How do you feel about today?"

My voice is soft—so full of comfort. "Wonderful."

"You're not upset with me?" He asks stopping his music as he turns to face me. "We never have talked about you wanting to be Luna. I sprung that on you today."

I shake my head—I wonder if I'm glowing. I certainly feel like I am, "I want to be your Luna. I want to be yours."

Matthew smiles so brightly, his happiness infectious. He turns back, playing more music on his guitar with a giddy look on his face. His aura so beautifully radiant. "You should know," He says slowly. "I would very much like to have another band someday."

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