Chapter 29 - Two Separate Entities

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*Matthew's POV*

I close the door of my office, Lila having the smallest sense of keeping herself away from me. She rolls her eyes at the countless books on the shelves, plopping down on the chair in front of my desk. "Do you ever actually read these?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. "Looks like you've bought more since last I've been here. I thought I told you the modern thing to do is watch movies."

Her eyes land on my electric guitar in the corner. The acoustic lying on the ground by the sofa where I left it yesterday. "Oh Goddess, you still play?" She asks with a smirk. My jaw clenches and I stay in silence. She leans back, "Remember when you used to play for me?"

"Yes," I narrow my eyes. "Last I recall, you said I should stop because my music would never amount to anything. And that it was obnoxious and loud."

"That's a bit dramatic," Lila rolls her eyes. "I said that you would never become a rockstar, Matty. And did you? No. Sometimes the plain facts hurt. You played too often anyways. It was so loud and an incredible ruckus."

I decide to ignore her. Because of her I stopped playing. But Mia loves my playing—always asking me to hear new songs. She even helped me pick out some sheet music in town so I could start composing my own songs. The idea of Mia calms me for a split second.

I step around until I'm sitting behind my desk. Thankful to have space between Lila and I as she can't reach. My thumb instantly searching for my wolf ring to nervously press into it. I have no words. I'm too focused on keeping my wolf at bay.

"You're staring." Lila's eyes are too busy roaming around the room. I watch as they linger on the bookshelf with my Royal book collection that King Aiden gifted me. I never let anyone read them—only Mia. I'm fascinated that Lila has a sudden interest in them. She's never shown interest in anything I like.

"You wanted to talk." I speak slowly. I need to be able to maintain my composure, "So talk."

Lila turns towards me, her eyebrow raising. "So hostile."

I'll show her hostile, my wolf growls and it manages to escape my lips. This only seems to entertain her as she smirks.

"You haven't stepped foot in the Valley or spoken to me in years," I narrow my eyes. "So I implore you to explain yourself before I throw you out of my pack."

"Our pack." Her comment does nothing to me, so she finally sighs, keeping her gaze on me. "Fine. I've missed you."

Once upon a time, those words would have had me rolling. Sinking to my knees in happiness. Now they leave a metallic taste in my mouth. I bite my cheek so hard I actually draw blood. There isn't a single drop in me that misses her. I think a part of me is just furious because I look back at the empty shell of a man she left and want to seek revenge on his behalf. If I had been around to protect younger me, there would be so much I would tell myself. Starting with the fact that I meet a gorgeous girl whose personality and looks runs laps around this bitch.

"No, you haven't." I place my fist under the desk to clench it.

"I have." Her voice losing the playfulness she's somehow maintained since she arrived. Her eyes narrow at me and lips purse. "You know why I left, Matty. To travel the world and get away from the Valley. Does it not dawn on you for a second that I had nothing against you?"

She's so full of shit, My wolf tells me. Nothing we did made her happy.

"We were so young, Matty." She places her hands on my desk, leaning forward. "I wasn't ready for a mate. I wanted to go out and see more than this pack. But you wanted to stay here. You had to stay here. And I just...wanted to find myself and have fun."

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