Author's note

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Hello again!! my lovely readers,

Thanks for giving this story a chance. This story is not about any werewolves like my first one "The Magical Pull" . 

This story - "DON'T WANNA LOVE" is about Sophie.. who despite her wealth and everything is someone just like us.. Beneath the professional mask in front of the world, Sophie also fears falling in love.. for she had loved Alex.. with all of her whole heart and soul.. After a year, he ghosts her.. why? Does Alex have secrets which Sophie doesn't know ?

After 4 years, what will happen when her childhood friend Leo comes back in town.. Can he break the walls she's been building against love or will this new troubled Hollywood A-lister Edward who comes to her for therapy be able to do that? Yes, Sophie runs her own practice and a centre to treat people with mental health issues and addiction and other issues..

Alex also returns... around the same time.. and another twist.. he's an old friend of Leo.. 

Read on to know more about Sophie and her journey of not trying to fall in love.. Will she succeed or won't she.. what do you think? Who will she choose? will she love again?

Both of these books "The Magical Pull" and "Don't wanna Love" are standalone and not part of any series... so you can read them in any order you wish to.. and neither of them are connected in any way..

Request you all to share, vote and do comment on the story. I do respond to messages. Please request you all to do constructive critique of this work.

This is a work of fiction. Everything in this work is mine and no parts of this book be it characters or storyline in this book are to be copied without written permission from the author i.e. me. Any resemblance to living people is purely coincidental and unintentional.

The story is original and mine, only the images used for illustration are from other platforms for images and some from my own personal mobile.

Thank you, I do hope you do enjoy reading the book.




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