"Where's that idiot?"


"She's right here," a voice spoke beside me. I glanced over to see that Red was glaring at me; her hair disheveled, and she only wore a t-shirt. The same shirt that Niall was wearing earlier today. I felt the urge to roll my eyes at her but instead went inside my room. To my surprised, Niall only had boxers on, and he looked like he wasn't in his right mind.

"What's wrong-"

"You. Are you seriously that disgusting?" He then shows his phone, and my eyes widen when I saw that it was a picture of Niall and Red in his room. There was a message below the photo; My, My. You sure know how to get girls, but shouldn't you be paying attention to a certain brown hair girl? She might get lonely too - From your number one fan. Can you guess who I am?

"Do you think that I would scoop that low?" I exclaimed. "You sick maniac!"

"You've wanted my attention since day one!"

"Not for those reasons!" I yelled back. Tears threaten to fall my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away, I refused to cry in front of him. Niall scoffs at my reaction and points at the message on his phone.

"Then, who can this be?"

Another message pops up on his phone, and we have the chance to read it.

Did you guess correctly? I hope so. I want your thoughts to be all about me -Mr. X

"Okay, you two. What's going on?" Liam finally intervenes. Niall gives the phone to Liam and turns to look at me. He doesn't utter an apology; instead, he keeps looking at me with cold eyes. It was like he still had some sort of reason to suspect me of the crime. "Zayn, we should take everyone's phone and add tighter security."

"Wait, don't tell me that he hacked through our phones again," Louis whined in the background. Again. So how come did he assume it was me when this situation happened in the past. As everyone passes their phones to Zayn, Liam put his hands on my shoulder and offers a small smile.

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" I questioned. I glanced back at Niall and glared at him. "I don't think that someone gets it yet."

"Everything about you is off," Niall responds. "How is it a coincidence that the daughter of Jessica Meyer happens to save my brother? Then slowly enters our organization with ease with strange occurrence happening around us."

"I see. You still have doubts," I mumbled. This shouldn't hurt me, but I failed miserably when I felt my heart clenching. My eyes scanned everyone's expression, and nobody would look at me in the eye. Not even Harry that held a bit guilty look.

"This is getting pathetic," Red sighs. She pushes through the boys, and she marched towards me. What is she-

Suddenly her foot hits my stomach, and she sends me sliding across the floor. What the hell. I clenched my hand into a fist and blocked her foot from hitting the top of my head. She grits her teeth and swings her other foot, this time succeeding.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry exclaims.

"Look at her," Red calmly states. She grabs my hair and brings me up from the floor. Everyone looks at us in complete shock and frozen in their spots. I tried to swing my fist at Red, but she dodges. "She can barely protect herself."

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