Sweet Encounter (6)

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"I can't believe that you're going to this party," Cassie complained over the phone, "and on top of that you're making me go,"

"You're overreacting, it'll be fun! Plus for me, it'll be a way to make new friends," I said trying to put on a nice pair of pants. (And when I mean nice pair of pants I mean non-ripped jeans. Who's trying to dress up in a dress for a party that'll probably involve some twerking knowing Zac's personality).

"Yeah, but his friends? I'd rather you join a book club,"

"Why, why a book club?"

"Because they love books, not women,"

"They can love women in books. Plus why do you care so much about him flirting with other girls? It's his life. Unless you're jealous,"

"I am not!"

"Unless the story he was telling is true!" I started, hyping it more than I probably should, but who cares it's Cassie.

"But it's not true!"

"Don't lie to me Cassie I know it's true!"

"No it's not what are you-," we started yelling over each other until I finally stopped because she's coming with me to the party and I didn't want her to change her mind.

"Hey I gotta go, I'll talk to you later,"

"At the party?" I asked.


"Be there!" I said and ended the call. I'm a little excited about going to a party, but a little nervous because this will be the first time people see me outside of the classroom. Don't want to ruin my rep you know what I mean?


"Wow!" Zac said smiling at me as he approached Cassie and I. "You look hot," he looked at Cassie. "Hm, Cassie, looks like she's got you beat."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "This wasn't a 'who can dress better' contest. It's just another one of your lame parties,"

"Hey, my parties aren't lame. Obviously you can see by all the people that came to celebrate,"

"The only reason why they all came is because the football team hyped it,"

"It maybe true, but I may not. It doesn't matter because as you can see," he put his arm out showing us the dance floor. "Everyone came." Cassie crossed her arms.

"Amanda, who you like a drink?"

"No thank you," I answered brushing my hair behind my ear. If only I had found another hair tie.

"Alright, I'll be on the dance floor if you need me," he smiled and disappeared into the crowd of people. How the guy's so popular I'll never understand.

"I'd thought he'd never leave. Come on Amanda let's look for Aaron. I think he said he'd be here," she said pulling my arm to follow her.

After we walked around a bit we found him sitting a table laughing with a bunch of probably other football players. "Hey Aaron!"

"What's up Cass, Amanda. I see you decided to come after all,"

"She made me come. If it wasn't Amanda I wouldn't even be here or thought twice to come,"

(Book 1) High School Crush: Not Meant To BeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang