Chapter 29: Plan B

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Should I really even use this? I mean after I call her or whatever I'm gonna do with this, she'll be able to contact me and that isn't the best thing in the world. Maybe if I ask-, no Kimberlie doesn't talk to them anymore.

It sucks, that all the people that I can talk to, aren't to be able to help me. Kelsy, Kimberlie, Cassie...maybe Zac would know? I mean it's worth a shot right?

I picked up my phone from my desk and dialed Zac's number. It took a minute, but he finally picked up. He sighed like he had just got settled in a comfortable position. "What's up buttercup?"

"I have a question,"

"I probably won't have an answer, but you can try," he replied. I mean, at least he was being honest?

"Do you know anything about Brittany and Aaron and possibly Kelsy and Niall?"

"That's a lot of people. You basically listed everyone you talk know except me," he gave a short laugh. "This isn't funny Zac,"

"First tell me why you wanna know information on your group of weirdos,"

"You don't ask the questions. Plus, I asked you first,"

"Hmm..your driving a hard bargain,"

"There is no bargain, just answer the question, yes or-,"

"Fiesty much?"

"You know what, bye Zac,"

"Hey wait a minute!-" I ended the conversation because I was getting no where. Maybe he's hiding something from me too.


"Darn it, she hung up," I didn't bother to call back because I would like to know what Niall is doing too. Never has he ever been secretive with Brittany. Unless she called him to do her bidding but...I know Brittany too well to just have him visit her in a public place. There has to be something going on.

Well thanks for nothing Amanda. I was planning on doing nothing for break.


I find myself probably having to go on an investigation, and writing down things I notice and that happen so I can put the pieces together like a detective.

You know how the detective knows their next move? Well I don't know what to do next to be honest here. I mean I have a phone number, but I don't want one of the Barbie dolls to have my information... Maybe Kimberlie can talk to Blair for me. I wonder if they're still cool?

I texted Kimberlie if she can come to my house for a sleep over and of course she said yes. Little did she know this sleep over was mostly strickly buisness.

"Oh my goodness! I've never been to your house before! It's so pretty!" Kimberlie said as she came into my room and dropped her things on the floor. "Your room is nice too, all those medals you have," she said going to look at them. "What are they for?"

"Track and Field,"

"Wow! I wonder if you sold those how much money you'd get," she said smiling at me. I just looked back and forth then gave a weak smile. I was not going to sell my medals.

She sat down on the bed and looked at me. "So what now?"

"I have a question actually,"

"Sure, I'm not sure I'll give you the right answer, but I'll really to,"

"Uh thanks. Well, I was wondering if you are still cool with Blair?"

"Blair? Omg of course! She's my bestfriend for life! I just don't hang out with Brittany anymore,"



"Yeah! Why did you ask this again?" At least she told me the answer then asked her question, unlike Zac. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Definitely! I forget the secret later on so you can tell me something and it'll probably go out the other side...I mean..uh," I laughed. "Okay, well, my friends are keeping a secret from me and no one will tell me what's going on,"

"I'm confused. How do you even know they are keeping a secret?"

"Because every time I try to talk about it, they always change the conversation,"


"Kelsy and Zac,"

"What about all your other friends?"

"Well, it's kinda awkward trying to talk to Niall, I just can't figure him out anymore. I don't talk to Brittany and I doubt her brother will tell me anything,"

"Have you tried?"

"Well no,"

"Well you should definitely try. My mom always told me, the worst they can do is say no," He mother was right. I should at least give it a shot. I'm going to have to put off my plan until I talk to Aaron. Maybe he'll be the easier way in.

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