"It's Not Over!" (2)

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I have to say, lunch is my favorite part of school. When I was younger I said, "If lunch was a class, I'd ace it." I mean the only way you'd fail lunch class is if you didn't eat, which surprisingly some people don't do.

"Are you kidding me?" I whispered. "What? Why are we whispering," Cassie asked whispering as well but confused. "They have curly fries!" I answered grabbing a plate and going directly towards the cafeteria lady with the fries.

"Don't you want pizza or anything?" Asked Cassie waiting to get some pizza for herself. "Don't you mean cardboard?" I corrected her. "No," I answered. "I'll just get some Bosco Sticks,"

After we got our food we sat at a lunch table outside that we are permanently going to be sitting at for the rest of the year (Unless it gets cold). No one ever likes people taking their seats at lunch, people don't seem to like change, but I was cool with it. At least I'll have a guaranteed spot everyday.

"So," Cassie started, "how was class?"

"The first period was interesting," I answered, my mouth filled with a couple fries. "How so?" She asked.

"We did this activity in class called 'Speed Dating', but it was nothing like I'd thought it'd be,"

"Why? Sounds fun?"

"It was basically just going around and asking people questions about themselves, she just added a story line to it,"

"What was it?"

"Your best friend needed a date and we were the wingman,"

"Did you find me anyone?" She smiled.

"There's this guy named Zac-,"

"Oh man, you have him in your class?"

"What's wrong with Zac?"

"Besides the fact that he's a major flirt? I bet he's slept with most girls here in the school,"

"You don't think I'm hot enough to have him fall for me?"

"Fall for you? Please, he never falls in love with anyone,"

"Have you experienced the Zac Attack?" I chuckled. "When I say don't ever call it that," she rolled her eyes and laughed a little more. "But no, I haven't. I don't think I want to take that rode," she answered and I shrugged my shoulders.

I looked around the cafeteria and saw Zac sitting at a table a couple back but to the side just enough to have him in view. Next to him were two girls on both sides laughing at him and admiring his looks. That's probably the only reason the girls are over there. I wonder if he looked like the average guy, what else what would he have?

I looked away from the table so no one would catch me staring.

"Look, that's him," Cassie pointed out. "Hey, Niall!" She called and he turned around, her waving him over.

"Hello," he greeted her. "Hey, I want you to meet my friend Amanda," she shown me like I was a price that was won. "Hey," I waved and he waved hi back.

"Come on sit, stay a while, we won't bite," she welcomed and he sat down in front of us. "So...how was your first day?"

"Basic as any other first day. Meeting new people, discovering new things throughout the building. Yours?"

"Oh yah, I didn't tell about my day yet. So, first period was boring. I hate having to take math class in the morning, because I just woke up and they expect me to get my wheels turning. Good thing we didn't exactly learn anything yet. My second period," she sighed. "Guess who's in it?"

"Who?" He asked, because I clearly wouldn't know who if I were to ask.

"Anne and Kimberlie,"

"Who's Kimberlie?" I asked. Then suddenly three girls came up to our table. The one on the left was an African American girl and seemed more interested on what's on her phone then what's going on at the moment. One the left was a Caucasian girl who seemed to be the second version of the girl in front who was..oh great.

"Nice to see you again, but it's unfortunate that it's under these circumstances," she said putting her hands on our table. "But this is our round table." It was the girl from the Speed Dating class and we obviously weren't on good terms. I don't even know why, I basically did nothing to her.

I started looking around the table and behind our chairs. "What are you doing?" She asked looking at me like I was stupid. "Oh, I was looking for where is has your name written on this very table. But I can't seem to find it," I smiled.

She looked at me in frustration. "There are all these other available tables for you to use, probably even some inside. Maybe you should go check," she said crossing her arms.

"And who are you to tell me to get up and move from the spot I sat at first?"

"The same person who will do this," she answered smacking my plate off the table.

Everyone looked back at our table to see the commotion and I even see Zac turn around and smile.

This was the first day and she was really causing me to flip. But I didn't. All I did was walk around the table and she turned to face me. Both of us looking at each other dead in the eye, but her a smirk on her caked up face.

"You messed with the wrong person. You don't know me, but from this year, you definitely will get to know me. First impressions are everything, so here, something to remember me by." I grabbed the sauce from the Bosco Sticks that I was already upset about, because they had all this sauce and two sticks (maybe this is why they have all the sauce for, just in case), and poured it into her top which oops, is white.

I could hear the "OHs" and "Ews" of people around us commenting on what I did, but I was focused on what she might do next.

"Ah! How dare you!" She yelled. "This! Is not over! You can have your damn table! But that's the best thing I'm ever gonna let you have!"

She started stomping away, the second version of her looking surprised and quickly trying to follow her, while the third one looked at me and smiled, walking towards the direction they both left.

I went back to my table and sat down trying not to look up and see everyone's eyes and whispers.

"Wow, I didn't know you had that in you," Cassie began.

"Let's just say I've had enough of girls drama," I answered.

"Well you just got yourself into a whole lot more," she said then putting a scoop of ice cream in her mouth. "Good think you didn't pick up my ice cream and smash it on Brittany. I'd probably cry with her," she took another bite. "So good,"

Wow. Talk about a year this is going to be.


What do you think about Brittany?

What would you do if Brittany came up to you like that?


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I want to know your thoughts on characters, what would you do, all of it!

Hope you enjoy, because it's not over yet!

(Book 1) High School Crush: Not Meant To BeWhere stories live. Discover now