I_Know_It_All (11)

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The sign read: 5555 Cloverfield Dr..

I'm here. So what do I do now?

I look down at my phone so people don't think I'm just standing awkwardly here. People probably weren't paying attention to me, but I felt awkward none the less.

Suddenly I heard the clicking of heels from behind me. "Well, well, well." I turned around and saw Brittany with her "friends" behind her.

"Look what the cat dragged in,"

"Is there a problem? You show up everywhere. It's really starting to get annoying,"

"You knew I was going to be here," she pointed out.

Oh my Gosh.

"You sent the note?" I asked.

"Wow, you're just so smart, wanna cookie?" She smiled batting her eyes.

"Why the heck did you send Niall to give it to me?"

She laughed. "You thought Prince Charming was waiting for you? It's funny that you think he actually likes you,"

"What would you know?"

"And it's even more hilarious that we both know who we're talking about, and I didn't even say his name," she flipping her hair.

Why does she have to bother me? Of all people. She thinks she the queen of this, the queen of that, but in my eyes she's just an annoying stalker.

How does she even know about my life anyway. I knew I shouldn't wasted my time here. I'm standing here at the end of the block, talking to an accident.

"You had a lot to say in front of your little friends. I wonder where all that tough talk went because you clearly left it back at the school building,"

"You're not that brave," I shot back. "Coming here with two other people like that'll make that big of a difference,"

"Who said we were going to fight?"

"Oh you're right, wouldn't want to cause any bruises to mess up your face. Oh wait," I stopped and smiled. "It's already-," she threw dime at me interrupting me.

I stared at them for a minute and Brittany was looking at her "twin" next to her from the comer of her eye. "That's your cue," she whispered.

"Oh!" She said like a lightbulb went off in her head. "Wait, for what?" Nevermind.

"Oh my gosh Kim! We practiced this a million times! You ruin everything!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry! I was busy! Something came up on twitter,"

"It better be important Kim or-!" She stopped and grabbed Kim's phone from her. After her eyes quickly scanned the post over and over like she was shocked out of her mind, she looked up at me. "Do you have to steal everything from me?!" She yelled like I knew what she was talking about and honestly I had no clue.

She stomped off with Kim telling Brittany it's okay and to calm down, while Blair just walked behind not caring.

My Man 😍: We've gotten popular

Me: What do you mean?

My Man 😍: [Screenshot of Twitter Account Post]

Westwood_Secrets: We have a picture of Zac and New Girl getting close and personal at the party

I_Know_It_All101: Look what I found! Photo leaked of New Girl w Zac! [Photo]

Me: Who is I_Know_It_All101 and who took this picture?

My Man 😍: I don't know and I don't know, but we look cute af

Me: ...

My Man 😍: What 😅

Me: Can you find out who it is? 😑

Jerk 🙄: If you say please

Me: ...please

Jerk 🙄: I'll see what I can do, no promises

Hopefully he can find out who that is. But for now, why don't I try asking this know it all myself.

Amanda.Manda1: Omg where did you get that picture from?

Shoot! I forgot to change my name. Hopefully she doesn't know "New Girl's" name.

I_Know_It_All101: I know who you are and even if I didn't know, I still wouldn't tell you. If I told, then I'd be giving away some priceless information now wouldn't I? Just know that you should watch your step, because I'll always know when you make a mistake

I checked on her page and saw an earlier post of me with Brittany, me spilling sauce on her. Under it read:

I_Know_It_All: First fight of the year! Way to make a first impression New Girl

Who is this person? They have to be going to my school. I know it can't be Brittany because why would she post a picture of herself like this? Plus she was in it. But who knows she could've had someone take it for her and she's just crazy weird.

I hit follow to keep track of all the future things she or he might be posting about me.

I know what you're thinking.

"Why don't you just report this page?"

"This is cliche for you not to report it and try to figure it out on your own,"

So. Who cares. My life.

I'm going to get to the bottom of this and there is nothing you can do or say to stop me.

Wish me luck. Or don't. That's fine.


Who is I_Know_It_All101?

Did Amanda make the right decision?


(Follow IKnow_It_All101 on Twitter)

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I want to know your thoughts on characters, what would you do, all of it!

Hope you enjoy, because it's not over yet!

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