By places, she meant the kitchen because she was getting hungry again. But Yahya thought otherwise.

"No, wait, wait, I'm serious." Yahya rose with her, stopping her. It made Rafa begrudgingly obey him.

"Then you better know my tolerance level is below the bar today."

"Why? What happened?" he questioned, a slight worry in his tone.

"I won't guarantee what will happen if you stop this act and tell us what's been bothering you," Rafa gritted her teeth as her hands flew in a gesture of strangling his neck.

Yahya eyed her hands in the air - a few inches away from his neck. "It's about Anjum."

"What about her? What made you so upset, huh?" Rafa asked, withdrawing her hands and wiping her forehead off of sweat, "She loves him, she even told me that," she blabbered to herself.

"Her father-" Yahya stopped, gulping. The mention of Anjum's father made the other two heads tilt in Yahya's direction. For a second he didn't say anything, his blue eyes intently looked at Rafa's. Her blue iris almost turned gray, her pupils dilating.

"Yahya, my jaan," She exclaimed, taking a seat next to him, wrapping her hands around his hand, "I am so sorry."

"I never thought about her father. I thought he would be very pleased to give her hand to you but-," Rafa spoke in a hurry, "Don't worry, I will talk to Jesima, have her speak to him. Or else I will speak to him," Rafa turned in the other direction, "What did he not see in you, you are no less than her. You're smart and dedicated, and you are a local celebrity." She whipped her head to look at Abdur Rehman, urging him to say something too.

"I agree with Rafa...Yahya, there's no reason you should let rejection affect you like this."

"Yahya! Listen to me." She grabbed his chin, directing his face towards her. "Don't lose heart. I know how sensitive you are...especially when it comes to Anjum..."

For a second Yahya wondered what was wrong with Rafa. She seemed different, her emotions were on the edge. One time she is all smiling and the other instance, she is dramatically emotional. "Both of you," he called out.

When she didn't stop blabbering, "Rafa," he called out again.

"What?" Rafa asked, her eyes welled up.

Before he could speak, she expressed, "You don't worry, okay? I won't let this ship sink."

"You don't worry, Rafa. The ship never sank."

"Whaaat?" She dragged.

"Yes," Yahya said, his hand running through his hair, "That's what I cannot believe. Mr. Ahamed agreed."

"Guess my wife isn't the only dramatic one in the family," Abdur Rehman said sarcastically, looking from one to the other.

Both the siblings turned towards him in unison.

"Abdur Rehman..." Rafa started, rolling her eyes, but he stopped her midway, "Why aren't you celebrating bro?"

"Celeb-" It finally registered on Yahya's brain cells, his hand flying to his mouth in disbelief.

"Oh my god! Yes!" Rafa threw her arms around him, pulling him in for a hug. "You got the girl, boy!"

 "You got the girl, boy!"

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