Chapter 5: The City of Kenton

Start from the beginning

"Croft University," Marcus said as he took a swig of his mug. "That will be the setting for our side job."

Tessa's heart sank, "You can't be serious," she glared up at Marcus, hissing under her breath, "That's why you wouldn't tell me?"

"I told you what you needed to know," Marcus said with a cheeky grin. "I said you and your invention are pivotal to this job, did I not?"

Lonny wagged a finger, "Old swindler. You're only now just telling us this?"

"Bad form," Donny agreed, "you very well know that Tessa has a history with that place."

"And that's exactly why we need her," Marcus said before addressing Tessa, "Since you grew up there, you know the place inside and out. You know most of the staff, and they know you."

"That is all the more reason she shouldn't go," Lonny protested, "Have you even told the others?"

"Yes. In fact, you three were the last to know for this very reason. I suspected your reaction was not going to be pleasant."

Slapping back the last of her drink, Lonny cursed, "Shit, Marcus, with how they treated her—" she lowered her voice.

Donny cut in, leaning close, "Most of all, they know about her problem. If anything of value were to go missing while Tess is there, she would be suspect number one."

"But that is exactly my point. They would suspect her and keep an extra close eye on our dear pickpocket. Not on someone else. And so, if she is at, say, a certain public event, in front of a whole bunch of other people, then she would have an alibi," Marcus grabbed the tankard and poured himself another drink.

"You can't be serious?" Tessa fumed, "You just expect me to walk in there? After everything that has happened?"

"You were planning to do just that with Mr. Merriweather," Marcus countered.

"But this is different." Tessa snapped.

"How?" Marcus inclined his head as he pressed more seriously, "As far as I see it, this is just the first step. If you can't even walk inside his father's old school, then how do you expect to go down to that city of his and confront him?"

"I..." Tessa lowered her gaze.

"Besides," Marcus said with a sniff, "the deal has already been made, and I, for one, would not dare to cross our client."

"And who exactly is it this time?" Donny asked as he sipped at his drink.

"The Count," Marcus said gravely.

Donny choked on his drink, coughing, "The Count? You took a job from him? Are you daft?"

Tessa stiffened. The Count was a legend in the criminal underworld. A faceless shadow— operating through a network of informants, spies, and organizations. He was both ruthless and efficient, one of the best puppet masters in the game, organizing and orchestrating everything from petty gang rivalries all the way up to international art theft and racketeering. The Count had his hand in it all. There were even rumors that he had orchestrated several recent assassinations of high-ranking pro-unification members of the loyalist coalition within the New Albeon Government. However, the scariest thing about the 'Lord of the Underworld' was that no one knew who the man was.

"It is what it is," the ringleader shrugged, "This is a big one. For all of our sakes, we must ensure it goes well."

"But the Count?" Tessa shivered, "Why on earth would you take a job from him?"

"We did not really have a choice," Marcus said, "he owns our debt."

"What?" the twins said in unison.

Tessa stammered, "When?"

Setting down his drink, Marcus clasped his hands, "For the better part of a year."

Lonny asked, "Where you ever going to tell us?"

"Was trying to figure out when, but never felt right," Marcus admitted, "After the incident with Old Faithful's boiler giving out, we needed a lot of money quick. The bank refused my request for a loan, so I went to the Morgan brothers. They footed the bill and gave us a good deal on the return, but then they sold our dept to a third party."

"The Count," Tessa said miserably.

Marcus nodded, "He has been hiking the interest rates. We haven't been kicked to the streets yet because I have been paying off the loan sharks." Marcus then locked eyes with Tessa, "Look, girl, I would not ask you to do this if I did not have to. But there is no other choice; the Count has named his price and expects us to deliver. If we don't, then he takes everything."

Taking a deep breath, Tessa let out a slow and deliberate sigh, "Alright, I get it..." she noted that Lonny looked at her with pity. Donny glared at Marcus with disdain. Glancing back at Marcus and his coal-dark eyes, Tessa begrudgingly asked, "So then, what is your plan?"

The swindler visibly relaxed, giving a small smile as he said with a twinkle in his eye, "I am glad you asked." He then pulled out a slip of paper, "Croft University, the oldest and most prestigious Academy in the New World. After the war of Liberation, it officially cut ties with the Kingdome of Avalon when the territory of Kent was granted its independence. However—"

"Marcus, we didn't ask for a history lesson; what is the job?" Lonny quipped, clearly out of patience.

"I'm getting there," he said as he held up his hand and waved down the barmaid, ordering another round of drinks. Once they were settled with fresh pints, he continued, "Seeing the writing on the wall, the Avalon nobility did not resist their colony's move for independence. The newly minted state of Kent wasted no time joining the 'Charter of Equality,' allowing them full membership within New Albion republic."

"And what does this have to do with the job?" Donny asked, glassy-eyed and sounding bored.

"Keep your shirt on. I am getting there; As a result of this goodwill gesture, the Kingdom of Avalon stayed on good terms with New Albion. This goodwill has since led to many a joint venture between the two nations, including trade, research and development, and scientific exchanges at their universities," he eyed Tessa with a wink, "See where this is going yet?"

Tessa puzzled over the information, "So then, there is something the Count wants from this exchange?"

"Bingo," Marcus pointed. Cherry cheeked from the drink before nudging Donny, "There is a certain professor our dear Tessa knows that is working very closely with the Kingdom of Avalon on a secret project."

"Who?" Tessa asked.

"Professor Lithwick Cornwall," Marcus said under his breath with a broad grin.

"You expect me to steal from Professor Cornwall?" Tessa felt even worse at the idea: "He's one of the only teachers that was ever kind to me there."

"We just need a window of opportunity. That's where you come in, Tessa; you'll be our mole on the inside. All you need to do is to set things up for us to get inside and pull out the goods tomorrow night during the presentations."

"And what are the goods?" she asked,

"Our sources say that

"Even if I agree, how do you expect me to help?" Tessa asked.

But Marcus handed her the slip of paper, "You see, that is the fun part."

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