V22 - Chapter 261 Mount Olympus

Start from the beginning

"What just happened?" Sarah asked.

"As I said, they are here," Rory replied.

A fog emerged around the mountaintop to where there was no visibility outside of it, like a protective wall was being formed.

Sharpe heard Lelei mention that she saw a ghostly figure. With adjusting his eyes, he saw a man form from thin air until coming into full form. "Hello, Apollo."

"Welcome back," Apollo replied. "We were beginning to wonder if you were going to return."

Sharpe saw other gods emerge. Aphrodite and Athena appeared by the side of Apollo.

The Navy Seals and Secret Services aimed their weapons. Sharpe held his hand, warning them not to do anything foolish and lower their weapons.

The President's security lowered their weapons after she ordered them to do so.

Once the situation calmed, Sharpe took out the Spear from his vest. He approached the God of Protection and held it out. "As promised, here is the Holy Spear. Thank you very much for helping us in this moment of need."

Apollo took and held the Spear up as it turned bright as the sun before it was strapped to the god's armor. "I believe our business is complete."

"Wait," Potts said. "I would like to speak with your leader. Now that we know of each other, we cannot ignore one another."

"We had a feeling that you would bring that point up," Apollo said. "I recommend that you stand back as he likes to make an entrance."

Upon hearing Apollo's warning, many of the security looked at each other with confusion. Some considered it a threat and wanted to aim their weapons to protect their leaders.

Rory took a step forward and faced the ground. "It is okay everyone, you can trust them. These are not the enemy of Mankind but your fathers and mothers, your past, your history. For two thousand years they have trusted you to forge your own destiny. Please, trust them."

There was a moment of silence before Potts spoke, "Everyone, lower your weapons."

All the security lowered their weapons for the final time.

Noticing a blue light from above, a large single lightning strike impacted the ground. A bright white light emerged, blinding everyone. As the light faded a tall man wearing golden armor walked out, towering over everyone.

Potts took a step forward and smiled. "Zeus, I presume?"

"Within Greek mythology, yes." Zeus then changed into a man with four arms, red skin with eyes all over his body. "Others call me Indra." He then changed again - his red skin turned blue. Two of his arms folded back inside his body as a black, thin but long beard formed.

"Amun," Lelei said. "The Egyptian God."

"That is correct," Amun said. He then turned back into the golden armor Zeus wore. "As Rory and Lelei already know, we are the gods of all your cultures. We have allowed your people to choose how you saw us."

"Even when we ruled this world, the freedom of choice was always yours," Athena said.

"After much debate," Aphrodite added. "That love is what allowed this world to be different compared to the other worlds with life, like Uros."

"There is much for us to learn," Potts said, staring up at the massive King of Gods. "I understand you wish to remain in isolation."

"It is what is best," Zeus said. "Our presence over not just your nation but all of Mankind only limits your potential. For our children to flourish, you must stand on your own two feet."

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