- 𝟷𝟾 -

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Class had started 3 days after the incident, Izuku and Katsuki weren't allowed to go out without being accompanied by a pro hero, it was a safety precaution the time they found something more stable. But you might guess, someone did not take it well.


"What do you mean 'I can't go out without a fucking hero'?!? I can defend myself just fine, I don't need ANY extras help!" He says getting up ready to storm out of the room.
"Katsuki sit back down." Izuku orders. Katsuki stops his tracks swearing under his breath as he sat back down, everyone in the room was jealous of the power Izuku had on Bakugo.

"Like we were saying, we are going to put in place a dorm system, until then, since you two are the most targeted students, we need to assure your safety." Nezu explains, he won't make the mistake of risking people's life twice.

"I believe that you two shouldn't go out if not necessary right now, which also includes seeing each other." Nezu explains.
"What!?" They both ask confused.
"Only until the dorms are installed." Nezu tries to reassure them and Izuku didn't know how to say he wasn't okay with it but Katsuki did.
"Fuck No! I'll see Deku whenever the fuck I want, I'll take the bodyguard shit but ain't no way I'll just see him in fucking class!" Katsuki spats annoyed.
The room was silent, reminder that the mouse didn't know about their relationship. But the decision was already taken.


Izuku was looking at the board, he and Katsuki had to stop seeing each other outside of school so they had to join in class instead of at the entrance like they normally did. They also couldn't see each other since the incident. Nezu reassured them that they would get the dorms ready soon but it felt like forever for the two.

The greenette's face lit up seeing the blond enter.
"Kacchan!" Izuku smiles going to hug his boyfriend hurriedly.
"Happy to see you too Nerd." He smirks kissing his forehead seeing that no one was there.
"Dad told me they'd announce it today, for the dorms, and apparently the constructions are going quicker than planned so it'll be ready soon! Probably within the week!" He explains as he nuzzles in the other's clavicle. Katsuki smiles running his hand in Izuku's hair.
"Good." He mumbles before they reluctantly let go, their classmates would come in soon after all.

They go to sit at their desk chatting as they usually do and discreetly holding hands. Iida was the first to come in greeting his classmates which Izuku responded joyfully and Katsuki with a groan.
"I wanted to thank you Midoriya, I have heard of what you have done and it was truly a heroic thing for you to do." He says doing his weird robotic arm movement which Izuku had grown to get used to.
"Thank you Iida-kun, I'm just really happy no one else was injured badly." He smiles softly to the taller teen.

"Yeah it's true! The way you were so calm and all was super manly!" Kirishima arrives looking at Izuku in admiration. Soon student after student arrived and they were praising the flustered teen. Katsuki was proud of him, tho, he won't lie that he hated it when people were all touchy and close to his boyfriend.

"Everybody take your seats, we have an announcement to make." The tired teacher groans entering his chaotic classroom. They were slightly shocked seeing him all bandaged up but they quickly snapped out of it rushing to their seats as they see their principal enter the classroom.

They all seemed to catch on that it must have something to do with the incident three days prior.

They sat silently as the small mouse climbed on the desk using it as a podium to be seen by all.

"Well, children, first off, I truly apologize for endangering all of you because of my mistakes." He bows to the silent classroom, they had no clue what he was talking about.
"You couldn't have known sir! No need to apologize." Iida says formally.

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