"Hag. Where did Izu's shithead of a biological dad actually go?" Katsuki asks looking at the pale women.

"This.. I should start from the beginning.." She says under her breath looking at Izuku with guilt. "Izuku you weren't born quirkless." She says making the others look wide eyed at her and waiting for her to continue. "The doctor you went to when you were a child, he lied, what he showed and said was a lie." She explains. "Inko didn't believe it so that's why you did more tests except that time you weren't with her for the results since she didn't want to get your hopes up." She explains ashamed. "The other doctor confirmed that you did have the anatomy saying you were waiting to receive your quirk. But it was taken in some sort of way." She explains with a pained expression as the freckled boy looked at her but no one could tell his emotion, not even himself. "He left and the last contact you had with him was on your fourth birthday, like you already knew. But he wasn't on a business trip.."
The room was silent as Mitsuki sank in guilt.

"Why didn't you tell him?!" Katsuki asks annoyed but Izuku takes his hand pulling him softly for him to sit back down.
"I don't know why, Inko made me swear to keep it a secret, I decided to listen since it wasn't my place to say a word." She explains in full honesty, Everyone was shocked, the time line made sense since he left when he was four which is also when kids start getting their quirks.

"In the dream- or whatever it was- the man said he could give me a quirk. I won't lie, I really don't understand." Izuku admits.

All might was sure on knowing who this person was, but he wished that it was all a near coincidence. "Mrs Bakugo, what was his quirk exactly? Of his father." The number one hero asks with worry.
"Fire breathing, but.. I believe he had more than one, even tho Inko kept denying it." She answers.

Izuku got up with no explanation and went to the room, the room he longed to avoid, but he needed answers. Especially that people would be in danger. Izuku took a deep breath opening the door and everything was just like it was left. Izuku took a chair placed it next to the library and took the 6 notebooks that were kept at the top. After he went to the nightstand and he opened it taking off a plank inside where he found a diary right under.

He was looking for batteries one day, that's how he discovered that hideout. And for those over the library, Inko would always levitate confiscated objects over it. So it was pretty obvious it would be there. "I'm sorry mom, but we need answers.." He mumbles, he always hated going through her personal belongings. 

Katsuki was waiting for him at the door of the room. "It's for your safety, I'm sure she wouldn't be mad." He whispers kissing his forehead.
"I know.. It just feels like I'm intruding on her privacy.." He explains as they walk out, taking the time to close the door behind them.

Katsuki looked at Izuku with sadness. It was a lot to take in for himself, so he couldn't even imagine what Izuku could be feeling. They got back to the living room and Izuku put the books down. He looked at the front pages and they were dated from what year to what year it was written.

The freckled boy looked at one book at a time and decided to start with the one written 2107- 2110. It would be around those dates. There was also a piece of paper coming out the book, he opened to that page and he frowned seeing the paper fall out.

To Izuku
He looked at the page in utter confusion.
No one was rushing him but their concern and curiosity was growing.

Dear Izuku,
If you read this, something must have happend to me. I'll start this by saying that I love you so much, you might not understand why I did what I did but it was to protect you. Let's start with the beginning. When I was young, I fell in love with a man, Hisashi Midoriya, your biological father. Our love grew and one day I learned I had you. We were over the moon and when you were born it was the best moment of my life. Time passed and he started to change. He was controlling and he was showing you things, he was making you learn different things that were concerning, like how to manipulate people, how to fight and the one that made me snap was when he was showing you how to kill. He had stopped talking to you. You were almost four at the time, that's also when I leaned that he had some sort of curse. It was a quirk that allowed him to steal quirks from others. But one day, he left. Nothing was left behind not even a note.

When I saw you weren't getting your quirk I brought you to the doctor. When he diagnosed you quirkless I was broken, but I couldn't believe it. I went behind your back and made a different doctor redo tests and he confirmed that the other lied. Your body was ready to welcome your quirk but there was nothing. Your smart Izuku, you must know by now what happened.

Izuku, if something we're to happen to me remember, don't go to him. Start a life, make your life and choose your family, that's all I have to say.

I love you my baby, never forget that. Read my journals, everything is there, good luck Izuku, don't ever give up. No matter what, follow your dreams.

-Love, Mom

Izuku saw tears fall on the paper he was holding on to. Katsuki rubbed his back slowly, trying to bring him reassurance.

All Might couldn't believe someone as pure as Midoriya could be related, even less the son, of one of the worst vilains to exist.

All For One

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