"Come on, Violet; let's help you get on the bus. Don't worry, I healed all your other wounds, so we don't look a mess," Percy says as he and Devin help me to my feet.

 "Here’s the number one rule while fighting- never let your opponent distract you. Dead or alive," Percy says with a smirk. I stumble as I begin to walk, but Percy hooks his arms through mine to steady me.

 It’s a casual gesture, but I’m grateful. We board the bus and sit in silence for a couple minutes. Suddenly, the bus comes to a jarring stop.

 "EH! What kind of driving are you...Perce...Percy!" Devin cries, looking to the front.

"Oh my gods...no..." Percy says, looking over the seat. I can't see anything, but Percy says, "Violet, stay calm. It's the Furies. All three of them."


Oh, yeah, like I was able to stay calm after he said THAT.

In front of the bus, the three Furies are disguised as elderly ladies. They look so innocent and sweet.

Well, right up until one opens her mouth and says, "If you value your lives, leave the bus!"

Everyone except Percy, Devin, and I rush for the exits. The three horrors face us.

 "Give us the lightning bolt, lightning thief!" they all exclaim.

 "Whoa! I did not take it alright?" Percy shouts. The Furies scream and now we are trapped in the bus. I activate my sword, but the poison stops me from moving.

 "You just sit still Violet, Devin and I can handle this," says Percy as he opens Riptide.

 Both Percy and Devin started slashing away at the Furies, who had left their old lady bodies and entered their true, scaly, winged forms. I just sat there, furious and unable to help, or even move.


 After a while, the battle got too out of hand.

 Percy and Devin had successfully destroyed 2, but they couldn't get to the last one. Just as the last one is making its way to Percy, I opened my bag and active my bow. I aim an arrow at the Fury, and release it, skewering her and just missing Percy and Devin. 

 As the Fury disintegrates, Percy and Devin turn to look at me in awe.

“Rule Number One while fighting; never let your opponent distract you, dead or alive..." I say, throwing Percy's words back at him. He smiles grimly.

 "You better watch it with that knife, Violet; it could have made me a demigod-kabob. I don't do red meat," Devin warns.

 Percy laughs and says, "Thanks, Vi. I guess we're walking to....somewhere now...but after we heal you."

 "Then I guess we're lucky ‘somewhere’ is right there," says Devin as he points out the window at a place called... Nutya Sm'e Ndreag Ormepiu.

"What the actual heck does that sign even say?" I ask.

"Aunty Em's Garden Emporium," says Devin, as a son of Athena, able to read better than Percy and I, even though he still does have dyslexia.

 "Do you wanna go in? The place looks abandoned, so we could just go in and sit down or something," suggests Devin.

 "I need to get off this bus," I agree. Percy sighs.

"Alright," he says, and then takes a quick glance at my leg.

"Holy Poseidon!" he exclaims and I jump, but immediately regret it. The pain has spread up my leg.

"What happened?" I ask.

If Looks Could Kill *Percy Jackson and the Olympians*Where stories live. Discover now