Episode 11

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----------۝----------TAEHYUNG'S POV----------۝----------

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She doesn't even recognize me..... unbelievable.

Another sleepless night but I was way more restless this time.

Why is it bothering so much? And what is the actual f*cking problem?!!

Why couldn't I just bring those few words out of my mouth? Maybe if I would have apologized to her then I wouldn't be this fretful?

Slacking more towards the couch, I rested my head over it in distress.

"You're up?"

My eyes opened at my mother's sudden voice.

"Hmm. Good morning.", I greeted with a small smile and she smiled back, sitting next to me on the couch.

"If I'm right then today is a holiday. Then why is my son already up this early in a sunday morning?"

"Nothing.", I diverted my gaze away while she chuckled.

"You're not properly sleeping these days, you're up so early in the morning on a Sunday and there are some suspicious tea bags in the grocery shopping which I never asked for..... What's really going on dear son?"

"It's definitely a girl.", my eyes moved to my father who chortled at his own words while sitting on the couch in front of us.

"It's not.", I denied.

"It is my son. And we don't mind. Just ask her to come over sometime and we can have a family dinner....."

"There's nothing like this and I need to go.", I immediately got up from the couch and went to catch my keys.

"Well, just so you know, I've cracked a pretty big deal this time. So we're definitely moving to a majestic mansion very soon. Might even need to change your school as well."

I hummed and wore my jacket.

"Where are you going this early?", mom asked.

"Just for a walk. Also..... I need a few things from the mart."


Why am I...... here..... again?

I saw her diligently arranging the products over the shelves while I gawked at her the whole time.

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