Episode 9

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----------۝----------Y/N'S POV----------۝----------

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Limbs too stiff to even react to the situation, I didn't even turn back, instead blankly stared at the man who had a knife half struck right in the mid of his abdomen.

The sharp tool was thrown from the back with such a speed, that when did it surpassed my figure and when it collided with the struggling man was a blur to even contemplate.

Now I was struck.

Struck in the mid of somewhere secluded with my death standing right behind me.

My heavy breaths and slow sniffs echoed the gravely silence.

A few moments passed as my body shivered at the very same spot, denying to move.

But just then, a dragged footstep from the back noised the night silence.

And then another.

And with each footstep, I could feel my heart racing faster in haunting fear of getting preyed on.

Indeed I wanted to die. But looking at the dreadful state of the person in front of me, I think there's a change in plan.

Not living a good life wasn't enough that now I'm going to die brutally by the hands of a murderer like that?

My eyes were fixed down on the floor when the footsteps stopped somewhere right behind me.

The warm breaths over my crook made goosebumps crawl all over my body.

I closed my eyes shut, ready for the eternal darkness to embrace me.


The deep voice reached from the back making me instantly open my eyes in shock.

"Run as fast as you can. Because once I catch you, I wouldn't let go."

Eyes widened in immense fear, I frantically nodded my head like a frightened kid before making a run straight towards the other end of the bridge.

"Turn your head and I'll rack it over a stick."

I kept running while the voice behind me soon faded away.

Quickly climbing down the chair, stumbling and limping, I never looked back even for once.

Hastening from the secluded area towards a more crowded place, I was finally relieved when I reached in the mid of a bustling crowd.

Still, I couldn't look back.

That deep voice was enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life.

My whole body was cold, shivering and quivering as I tried to calm myself by putting a hand over my chest.

"You're here for the job?"

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