Episode 5

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----------۝----------THIRD PERSON'S POV----------۝----------

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


She limped towards the school library, holding herself from tearing up.

The old bruises and wounds accompanied by the fresh new one's made it impossible for her to even walk.

She would take a few small steps before stopping to take a small break. Then again a few steps, and walking like this took her eternity to reach her destination.

Just as she was about to push the door open, a sound from the back startled her.

Her gaze wandered at the back, looking around for anyone's presence, but the hallway was completely empty.

Taking a deep sigh, she opened the door and made her way to one of the corner desks to study in peace.

She has planned it now. A plan to save her from that hell.

On her way to school, she saw a pamphlet with a job advertisement. And that gave her the right notion.

She've decided to do a job.

She'll inform Mrs Park about some extra classes after school and then find a job for that time. So that she can not only earn, but also stay as far away from jimin's sight as possible.

If she diligently works then she might be able to gather enough to rent herself a shelter.

Earlier she thought that she'll eventually leave that place once she graduates. But no.

Now she knows that staying under that roof even a second more is a literal life threat.

That insufferable bastard might take her life one day and his good for nothing parents like always will cover that up with some bills.

She was scared. Always scared of leaving that place since she knew she'd have no other shelter after that. But now she knows, she can be safe anywhere in the world, but there.

Her eyes stayed focused on the book as she tried her best to push the pain aside and focus on the words written on the notebook. But she couldn't.

A sudden flicker of flash in her direction made her lift up her gaze in puzzlement.

She looked out of the window which opens to the garden of the school but there was absolutely nothing.

She looked around but then again there was no one.

Strange. She've been feeling like being watched all the time. And it's been quite a while now.

And now she can't even call it her imagination. She clearly saw that flashlight. Or maybe she's just too tired?

"Hey sweetie!"

She jumped in her place hearing the sudden voice from her left.

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