Episode 1

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----------۝----------THIRD PERSON'S POV----------۝----------

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"As the exam season has finally ended, today I am going to announce your marks for the given semester, before we start the new semester. So everyone, stay attentive."

Loud whispers and murmurs echoed the whole classroom.

Excitement, nervousness and guilt, there was a plethora of emotions among the students.

Obviously, studying in one of the most competent schools of the country was itself not something really easy.

Everyone wished to be at the top. Everyone tried their best to score higher and better than the other.

"Silence class!", the teacher yelled while shuffling through the documents in her hands.

Some students held their hands over their hearts in anticipation while the other held their head, already known to the disasters the must've made. But there sat one student who was completely unaltered by the situation.

The silver chain hanging off his neck was definitely not a part of the academic attire and the first three opened buttons were indeed not abide by any academic rules.

His fingers were filled with rings barely showing any skin.

Eyes glancing forward in complete thoughtlessness.

The original Niki shining in his feet along with the powerful demeanor screamed for his wealth.

Still looking this unbearably attractive, his existence was no more than a stone itself. Unmoving. Unwavering.

"Best of luck buddy. I wish this semester you would be the first Eunwoo. Although my wishes didn't work the previous semesters. But I know, this time it would.", one student from his far left spoke.

Eunwoo didn't even turn his head and kept it straight across the row of heads, towards the teacher standing in front of the class.

"So the one who scored the highest this semester is....", the teacher's sentence was mid cut and all eyes along with hers averted towards the door of the class where stood a raven haired boy.

His ebony curls covering nearly half of his eyes, and honey orbs peeking right through it, shining with the sunlight falling right across his face through the opened window to his opposite.

His uniform perfectly immaculate, not even a single fold or speck of dirt anywhere on his clothes or body.

His one hand held the strap of his leather bag while lips stayed pursed in a thin line. Expressions reflecting complete disinterest and the dark under eyes showcasing his tiredness.

"Oh, come in Taehyung, you're late.", the teacher smiled.

She wasn't much worried about the boy's late coming, since it's rare for him to be late. And whenever he is, it's mostly because of his extreme study schedules, which doesn't get him to stir up at the given time.

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