case closed

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Present time

Yoona woke up her hands were touching someone's cheek 'so soft' she thought to herself. She saw it was taehyung who was sleeping near her hand but didn't touch her as she was sleeping she took his hands and interwined them I think it is because of sedative she thought to herself that she is high and drifted to sleep again.

Taehyung woke up and looked at their hands which were now interwined with each other, he smiled to himself before slipping out of her grip on his hand smoothly and went to take is coat and cap he wore it went towards her," I'll be back in an hour, just till then don't wake up " After completing he kissed her forehead and left.

After him leaving someone who had wore the same outfit as his enter the room and sits on the couch near the bed and starts playing game on his phone.
Meanwhile taehyung meet the nurse, the one who gave yoona sedative, " Hey, what's you name?" Taehyung asked.
" Yumi, how can i help you sir?" She replied. " I am going out for some work and yes it needs to get done that's why I am leaving her please take care of her and yes do  pay her a visit 2 to 4 times, I have asked my friend to stay with her so that no on can harm her, I had told him unless it is you or me he should not open the door, so please take care of her for me . I will be back by an hour okay" He said.

" Yes, I will but cime back in an hour her sedative will not last more than an hour and we can't give her another until and unless she is up okay come back as soon as you can " She replied . " Thank you yumi thank you so much, bye and please take care bye " He said and left.

As he went to the parking lot he walked passed by his car from which he came, he went ot the other car from which his friend came and got inside and left the place. Meanwhile the gaurd near the parking lot pulled his  microphone towards his mouth and said, " The black guy who came an hour ago left, all clear "

" He wasnt him was he?" Someone said from the other side." No it wasn't that guy used the same car from which he came from and was wearing same clothes and kim's car is still hear and you can ask the sniper if he is in the room or not." Replied the gaurd.

Sniper said," Yes, he is there, he was first near her bed then something came up on his phone and he started doing some work on it . He is now sitting on the couch." " Good work, did someone visited?" The man asked." No just the nurse who gave her sedative earlier "
Sniper replied.

" Good work all of you, be alert because Kim tae-hyung is no ordinary guy he is way more smart and dangerous than you can imagine if we lost him this time that means we are gonna lose our lives. Be alert." The man said as he offed his microphone and picked up his usual phone which was ringing,

On the phone

Man: yess sir we are keeping an eye on him, you don't have to worry about it.
??: good, is he still there?
Man: yes sir he is, the moment he leaves we'll inform you.
??: good work, I call you back in 2 hrs again okay, don't leave the place until my next call,Is that clear .
Man : yess sir.

Call ended.

" We have two hrs more to survillance " The man sighed.

Taehyung's car was picking up pace very fast that he was now traveling on 80km/hr . This could harmful but he didn't care he had only one hour to finish this case and return back to hospital.He pulled the brakes which made the tries screech and parked it carefully near soo-ah's house.

He entered the place woo-shik was already there waiting for him," Hey, how's han, is she fine?" He asked." Yes, she is but if I won't return in an hour she'll definitely kill me and no one calls her han except me " Taehyung replied while walking fast and entering the house . He entered the hallway and was going to enter the living room , where blood was splatered all over the place , "Wait, if the attack was last night when
we came then the blood should dry up by now right?" Woo-shik said.

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