"We'll have to do a background check. See where he actually is." All Might says and everyone could hear it, the fear in his voice.


Shigaraki and Kurogiri had landed back in their lair where only a man named Giran and their only member: Spinner. They were standing there, Giran had a huge grin, one of pure mischief.

"Like in our agreement. You failed this mission, you must accept the new recruits I found." He grins evilly enraging even Kurogiri who was a rather neutral person.
"You set up the bomb didn't you!? You set it up on purpose!?!" Shigaraki asks with venom.
"Why would I do such a thing? We're associates after all!" He says and this man, he is a pure manipulator, a hypocrite. He's there for the money and only that, but they're not allowed to kill him. Not yet at least.
"Now welcome our newest recruits!" The elder man says with excitement.

"Let's start with Mr. Compress! His quirk is compress! He can shrink anything or anyone inside of a small marble!" He starts by pointing a man wearing a weird mask.

"Twice can produce more then-" Shigaraki cut him in pure annoyance.

"I don't care. Now shut up and leave before I kill you. Do not test my limits Giran. You know them." Tomura groans scratching his neck trying to contain himself.
The room fell silent as the man left with a long sigh. But his smirk showed that he was satisfied by this outcome.


"We'll do that later All Might, let's relax for now. I think we deserve it." Mic grins trying to calm the tension.

"You know, our little baby did quite the impression today !" Nejire says clapping her hands in excitement.
"Other than detecting a whole bomb?" Mic asks playfully and her and Mirio nod rapidly.
"He made all the pros and Nezu question their whole career!" She giggles making the pros look at the boy who was still lost in thoughts.

"Zuku, come back." Katsuki whispers rubbing Izuku's arm making the other jump back to reality.
"What?" Izuku asks looking at everyone in confusion.
"I was about to tell them how badass you were to make the whole staff question their existence!" She laughs making Izuku blush in embarrassment remembering the events of earlier.

"Problem child, what did you do?" Aizawa asks raising an eyebrow.
"He yelled at them, and he swore." Shinso says with a small smirk looking at his friends who was feeling embarrassed.

"You're spending too much time with Bakugo.." Aizawa says in a long sigh making almost everyone laugh.
"Is not!" Bakugo says back annoyed.
"Of course I do! Kacchan's my best friend!" Izuku smiles making them hold back laughs, knowing it was a lie.

"How long do we have to pretend we don't know?" Nejire asks not so discreetly.
"Know what?" Izuku asks confused.
"That Bakugo is gay for you and that you're gay for Bakugo" Shinso says with a blank expression making the two concerned blush.
"No we're just friends.." Izuku mumbles looking away embarrassed.
Even Katsuki sighed internally at how bad of a liar Izuku is.

Izuku looked down embarrassed.
He took Katsuki's hand unsure and Katsuki took it with a small squeeze and there was the confirmation. Both of the duo were silent while the others gave either fist bumps or high fives.

"Tell a soul and I will murder you." Katsuki growls staring at them.
"Why don't you tell anyways? You two are cute together!" Nejire questions the couple.
"Because we don't want the pressure from others." Izuku explains embarrassed.
"Yeah, cause extras like pinkie like to gossip and shit. We don't fucking need that shit." Katsuki adds annoyed making everyone, including the teachers, laugh since they all knew how true it was.

"We'll take our leave then! Rest well and we'll check up on you guys tomorrow!" Mirio grins pulling the others outside before a word could be added.

The second the door closes Izuku turns to the teachers with a serious frown.
"What does my biological father have to do with todays attack?" He asks not letting the chance for anyone to decline his question.

"We might believe he is the one controlling Shigaraki. Earlier, he said something about you being his brother. We believe you could have the same father." Aizawa explains and Izuku frowns shaking his head no.
"He told me that his boss found him when he was a child, he had been kicked out to the streets because his quirk was considered one of a vilain." Izuku explains thoughtfully. "I'm not tossing aside the idea just yet, but I doubt that I could be related by blood to Tomura Shigaraki." Izuku continues a frown forming.

"Everything that belonged to my mom, is it still all in the house or was it gotten rid of?" Izuku asks dryly, not because he was mad but because he didn't like his own idea.
"Yes." Aizawa answers curious of what the freckled boy was thinking.

"My mom.. She kept diaries, she would always tell me that she wrote her life story in it. If there's something she could have known, it would be in there.." He explains unsure, he wasn't mentally ready to go back.

They nodded in agreement with the idea, but they knew that Izuku is reluctant of his own idea.

"Not today, today you deserve to rest. Do you think you could stay with Katsuki for the night? We'll probably have to stay here for now." Yamada questions looking at the blond who nodded.

"I don't mind if it's okay with Kacchan and Auntie." Izuku mumbles looking at the teachers. "But are you guys okay?" He asks worried making Aizawa scoff.
"We're more than okay, worry about yourself for now. We're under good hands." Mic reassures him with a thumbs up.

"Yeah.. Tell me if you need anything.." Izuku mumbles making the black haired teacher pinch the bridge of his nose in discouragement.
"We're the parents, we take care of you, not the other way around!" He scolds him earning a laugh from the three blonds in the room.

"R-Right.." Izuku chuckles with a small blush. "We should go then, you guys look like you need to rest." Izuku smiles looking at his dads with a smile.
"I'm happy you guys are okay, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you anymore." Izuku confesses making both men smile softly.
"We're happy too, and thanks to you, no one else was injured, you really were extraordinary today." Mic says proud of his little prodigy.
"Thanks.." He smiles softly hugging both of them before leaving the place with Bakugo.

This was only the beginning.. Everyone thought.

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