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Ships: none

Iida was the class 1A rep he was very punctual and Sirius.

Considering his position as class rep Iida found himself in many social situations despite his trouble understanding social cues, which he was working on.

Iida was almost always roped into attending family dinners every Friday night and the weekly Class 1A Saturday night slumber parties.

The slumber parties tended to include board games, movies, and Iida's least favourite activity a game of truth or dare.

Iida didn't enjoy the game but he'd admit that it was a good way to learn more about his classmates he learned about Mina's shellfish allergy, Shoji's love for classical music, Kaminari's rush on Sero, and even that Bakugou'd gone throw a Taylor Swift phase in middle school.

Iida never really understood how people found such joy in the gossip that came around when the subject of crushes came up, nor did he understand crushes in general.

In middle school Iida's friends went on and on about who they liked and had crushes on, some even getting involved in romantic relationships.

Iida wasn't sure how his friends chose who to have crushes on, Midoryia once tried to explain that they didn't choose who they liked but Iida simply couldn't understand.

The sleepovers and games of truth or dare were annoying enough yet it got to the point that the topics of crushes and girlfriends started to come up at his family dinners.

The idea of Iida getting a girlfriend was mainly brought up by his father, typically as a way to start conversation.

Iida's mother often commented that Iida would get a girlfriend when he was ready to, which he knew was her attempt to be kind but it made him no more comfortable about the subject.

The one time Iida's mother noticed how uncomfortable he was her comment was extended to 'or Boyfriend if that's what he likes'.

Iida made no effort to deny his mother's statement that he may be gay even though he was pretty sure that it wasn't the case, he wasn't interested in girls but he was rather sure that he didn't like boys either.

Following a particularly irritating family dinner Iida sat at his desk and decided to Google an overall sexuality quiz, finding himself confused at the results not knowing what it meant to be Aroace so more googling took place.

What he took from the results was that someone who was Aroace was someone who experienced no sexual or romantic attraction, which resonated with him deeply.

Iida broke his own rule and leaned back in his chair with a sigh, not an annoyed or angered one but satisfied.

Iida adjusted his glasses smiling at the screen the words Aroace reflecting off his glasses

From his computer screen.

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