I want to be skinny-Iida

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I want to be skinny

( TW: anorexia, talks of Hospitalization, mentions of depression, OOC, swearing ).

Ship: None

Iida was a very predictable person minus when he went crazy and hunted down a known hero killer.

The 1A class representative stuck to a routine when he slept when he trained when he studied, and even when he ate.

Iida had always prioritised training and studying over eating and sleeping with complete disregard for his health cutting out meals and sleep when he saw it necessary.

The route of the problem started when Iida compared himself with other members of his class, his self-perception becoming warped.

He wasn't as agile as Orijo or as kind as Koda.

Iida didn't consider himself as driven as Midoryia or Kirishima and he wasn't anywhere near as good at last-minute changes to plans as Shoji and Tokoyami.

Kaminari and Sero had a level of raw optimism that Iida could only dream of.

He wasn't confident like Todoroki or skinny like Bakugou.

Bakugou had a very slim build with a very small waist causing him to often be compared to the girls, which the loud-blonde despised.

Iida wanted to be agile, kind, driven, quick to think, optimistic, confident, and most desperately skinny.

Thanks to thorough research Iida devised a workout plan that would help him lose weight in a healthy manner.

The plan was figuratively thrown out the window, Iida's calculations revealed that he wouldn't reach his goal weight for another three months if he continued the route he was on, the healthy route.

Within two weeks Iida made the decision to cut Breakfast and lunch from his routine, eating only small portions for dinner.

The class rep was visibly losing weight but he had a long way to go as far as he was concerned.

A month had passed as Iida stood in front of his full-length mirror, grabbing at the non-existent rolls of fat gathered at his stomach.

"Agh" Iida growled at himself, regretting the apple he'd eaten the day before.

A knocking was heard at his door.

"Wait a minute" Iida ordered throwing on a loose grey oversized shirt, before opening his door to see a blur of green.

"Hello, Midoryia how can I help you?" Iida asked, looking at the alarm clock on his bedside table, 6:42 blinking at him in a red light.

"Iida I need to talk to you about something can I come in?" Midoryia requested.

Iida didn't supply a verbal response he opened the door enough for his friend to slip past him, closing the door behind him.

"Are you alright?" Iida wondered.

"Are you... are dorms are next to each other, we share a wall...I can hear you exercising at all times of the night and I heard you crying the other night... I wasn't eavesdropping I promise it was just, loud" Midoryia started mumbling all sorts of concerns and apologies.

"Calm down, please, yes I'm quite alright admittedly I was on a phone call with my brother two nights ago and did cry when reminded of his condition, I hadn't meant to be loud".

Iida convinced himself that he wasn't lying, his brother's fight with hero killer Stain was one of the many things that crossed his might the night he'd finally allowed his emotions to get the best of him.

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