August 13th

4 0 0

(tw: OOC, unknown sickness, Hopsitals, Throwing up, throwing up blood, medical inaccuracy)


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Kirishima lay in his bed listening to the loud painful-sounding coughs coming from the dorm next to his own.

Bakugou had been sick for almost three weeks, not that he'd admit it and it was clear as day that he was only getting worse, he'd had horrific coughing fits, he moved so slowly and with much effort, he kept zoning out entirely, he was completely and uncharacteristically out of it.

Kirishima was worried, hell everyone was, it took every inch of the redhead's self-restraint not not storm into the usually angry blonde's dorm and demand that he take better care of himself.

That night a new sound was heard through the shared wall, Bakugou had thrown up continuing to cough violently afterwards.

Enough was enough Kirishima couldn't stand to just lay in his bed listening helplessly to his best friend be sick in the next room.

Kirishima had only just risen from his bed when a new soul-shattering sound entered the mix, the sound of undeniable sobbing.

All the doubt the shark-toothed teenager had that he was doing the right thing faded as he bolted out of his dorm and into the hallway swinging Bakugou's door open and the Blonde had refused to lock it.

Bakugou's room was dark, darker than normal, his blinds were closed curtains drawn

Blocking out any glimpse of natural light, the dim glow of the lamp being the only thing left to illuminate the room, which it was doing very poorly.

Bakugou's rust orange bedsheets were thrown sloppily off the bed leaving them discarded on the floor.

Kirishmas was ripped from his observations by another broken sob coming from the ensuite bathroom each dorm had been updated to include a toilet and small shower after Mineta was caught snooping far too often into the communal ones despite the fact they were split by gender.

"Katsuki-bro?" Kirishima called out not wanting to startle Bakugou by just appearing in the bathroom despite the fact the door was open.

The only response Kirishima got was an aggressive coughing fit.

Bakugou was sat on the floor between the toilet and the wall his head resting on the tile backsplash on half the wall.

"Shit, you, you look-".

Kirishima was interrupted by Bakugou throwing up.

"Shh, it's okay" Kirishima assured kneeling behind Bakugou, rubbing his back,

To Kirishima's surprise, Bakugou leaned into the touch on his back so Kirishima decided to sit down continuing to rub the other's back whispering reassuring things into the spikey-blonds ear.

Bakugou retched forward being sick with more force before collapsing into Kirishima's arms crying more than Kirishima had even seen.

"Shhh, you're okay, I'm here, you're okay" Kirishima frowned, worried not being a strong enough word, he ran his hand through the blonde's tangled mess of hair trying to bring him any source of comfort he could but it was very clear that Bakugou was in pain.

"Kiri?" Bakugou managed to mumble with obvious difficulty.


"'Zawa" Bakugou looked up at Kirishima with the most terrified and pained expression Kirishima had ever seen.

"You, you want Mr Aizawa?" Kirishima stumbled on his words, Bakugou, the Katsuki Bakugou was laid in his arms asking for him to get help, whatever was going on was way worse than Kirishima imagined.

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