Chipped confidence-Bakugou

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Chipped confidence.

(Tw: Self-harm, Talks of kidnapping, Sero smokes weed?).

Ship: Kirikamibaku.

Katsuki Bakugou the hot-headed, short-tempered, Spikey-haired blonde of Class 1A had a secret a messy, bloody secret.

Bakugou had an addiction not to Drugs, Alcohol, or Gambling, no nothing like that he was addicted to dragging the blade of an old pencil sharpener across his arms, thighs, and torso until he drew blood, he was addicted to self-harm.

It all started when he was attacked by a villain made of a sludge-like substance, he'd had to be saved by heroes as he was utterly defenceless against the beast.

Bakugou had strived to be a hero all his life, so for him, the attack was a reality check that just because he'd been confident and had a flashy quirk doesn't always mean he could win a fight.

Bakugou's parents were very supportive of their son's dreams but they often found themselves worried he was over-confident, which he had been.

Bakugou was an all-or-nothing kinda guy so once his confidence was chipped, it shattered.

The night after the sludge villain attacked Bakugou found himself feeling helpless and weak so he did it, for the first time, Katsuki Bakugou sliced a cut into his upper arm.

Bakugou's habit had been occasional up until the Kidnapping, which is where self-harm escalated from an occasional unhealthy habit to an addiction.

The U.A. dorm system made things in Bakugou's head even more muddled up, he felt as if he constantly needed to put up an act, an act that exhausted him.

Bakugou's tough guy act fell only when he was in his or Kirishima's dorm.

Kirishima easily being Bakugou's best friend, the read-head always being there for him even when he didn't want him to be.

Bakugou designed his hero costume with his self-harm problem in mind his wrists and upper arms were covered, along with all the other places he frequently cut open.

Eight weeks passed following the Kidnapping and Bakugou was only getting worst, within the first four weeks the group of people Bakugou allowed to see the Calm, quiet, and tired side of him extended to the entire self-proclaimed 'Bakusquad'.

The ability to mask his declining mental and physical health was lost entirely at around week seven, Kirishima even noticing and demanding Bakugou slept in his dorm for three nights in a row so he could 'keep an eye on him'.

Shouta Aizawa Class 1A's insomniac homeroom teacher wasn't blind or dumb he also noticed the change in Bakugou'd behaviour, Bakugou never yelled anymore he clearly lacked the energy and from what Aizawa could tell the same applied to eating as Bakugou was starting to rapidly lose weight.

The red-eyed boy was skinny and a lot slower than he once had been and based on his training it seemed that he was having a bit of trouble using his quirk, unknown to Aizawa the trouble was due to how horribly Bakugou's arms stung and burned with any movement from all the cuts his body consumed.

Class 1A and those who knew Bakugou was forced to slowly watch him slowly waste away.

It was Kirishima who found Bakugou passed out and bleeding on the floor of the dorms, he'd managed to alert Kaminari of the situation in time for Kaminari to stop Mina from turning the corner and seeing Bakugou.

Without explanation, Kaminari ordered Mina to go get Aizawa who he knew was in the dorms discussing Sero's punishment with him as the teachers found Sero's weed that was hidden in his locker.

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