Chapter 19

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"Sir, we're very sorry for your loss..."

Those are the words that have been replaying in my head for the past 3 years. The day my whole life was taken from me. That day was the worst day of my life, the day Karma died. She had just given birth to our son, there was a complication that ended with her loosing her life. Karma went through so much just to be killed through birth. A name she always loved is Kingston, though never my favourite, that's our son's name, Kingston Luciano De Luca. He's the only thing taht kept me alive all these years. He's half her, and that's something to hold on to. He definitely gets his traits from his mother, sometimes he's the sweetest angel, (I'm guessing that's from me), and others he's throwing a tantrum screaming bloody murder. 

I head downstairs to where all my family, all 8 brothers, and significant others, all the cousins, all the parents, and of course, all the children, including my son. He runs up to me, his little legs moving as fast as they possibly could. "Dada Dada!" He squeals, latching onto my leg. "How's my little devil?" I say, picking him up. "I saw mama today." He whispers in my ear. "I'm sorry? What did you say King?" I state in shock. "I saw mama, in the window." What. The. Fuck. I mean you've heard stories of children seeing the dead but I never thought it could actually be true. Kingston knows what Karma looks like, of course he does, I would never let him forget her, or what she looked like, spoke like, her god awful singing. "He's been talking about her all morning." Ophelia says, pulling him off of me. Ophelia was always Karma's best friend, after me of course, and she became the person I would speak to the most, we shared the most memories with Karma. "It's weird." I reply, racking my brain, perhaps a photo? 

The doorbell rings and I go to answer it, no ones there, just a note:

hi my love,


it's me.
I'm guessing you're wondering how i'm writing this... but i'm not dead, I'm in hiding and it's going to stay this way for a while, i'm sorry i haven't written to you earlier, but i couldn't figure out a way to tell you. it's safer for me to be away, when I was pregnant i was recieiving threats for our child, they told me they were going to take him, and I didn't want him to go through what i went through. by the way, you've done an amazing job of raising him, what a beautiful boy, kingston luciano de luca, i've always loved that name, he's just the sweetest boy, yes, ive seen him, ive been watching over you all, and you almost caught me a few times, but as the reaper does best, i hide. i love you.


your wife, your love, your karma

what the fuck just happened? Karma's alive? I have so many questions. 

But I guess we're just going to have to find out in the next book...

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