Chapter 17 - "You fucking idiot! I asked for this information weeks ago!"

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By the time we actually got to the "bottomless brunch" it had turned more into a dinner, so everyone basically got wrecked and didn't eat. However, I had two people to feed and couldn't drink. So we've ended back at home and decided that we're all gonna group together and go to the club all together. Everyone is getting ready right now but me and Joey are going to stay at home, considering it wouldn't be much fun for me and Joey didn't want to go anyways. We're just gonna stay in and hang out with the dogs and then head to the hotel early tomorrow morning.

~30 minutes later~

I stand now still in the same dress as earlier waving goodbye as everyone heads to the club. Joey's working right now and my mama, papa, and Daniel are all watching a movie so I head up to our bathroom and begin running myself a bath, filling it up with hot water making sure to add lots of bubbles. Ever since I got pregnant I havent been on any Reaper missions and it is really annoying me. I slide my clothes off and climb in the bath. I really miss doing all of my missions but I don't think that even after this baby is born I'll be allowed to go on any either, the boys and Joey are all so protective of me and I hardly get a moment alone. I love them all of course I do, but sometimes they are a lot to handle, but I know that this baby is going to be loved and that is all that I care about. I hear two soft knocks on the door so tell whoever it is to come in. "Hello my love," Joey says, coming to the bath and kissing my forehead. "Hi." He wanders out of the room and grabs my vanity chair, placing it next to the bath. "How was your day?" He asks, holding my right hand and stroking it with his thumb. "It was good, my back's killing me and I still have that hickey from earlier." I frown. He chuckles slightly, "I'm sorry, if it'll make you feel better, your mama gave me a strict talking to once you all left." "That actually makes me feel a lot better." I laugh a little. "How are you feeling about tomorrow?" He asks, "I'm a little nervous considering what happened with Alfie and Maisie's wedding, but hopefully nothing like that is going to happen." I reply, staring at the bubbles in the bath. "It'll all be okay my love, nobody is going to hurt our family." I whisper thank you, he stands up and walks out, leaving me to climb out of the bath.

~Joey's POV~

"You fucking idiot! I asked for this information weeks ago! Why is there still nothing?" I yell at one of the people in the control room. "I-I-I'm sorry Don... We have no information on the plane crash, i-it appears as t-though there was a m-m-malfunction with t-t-the plane." He stands there quivering. "Well go get me someone that does know." I yell, he turns away and hurries off. Ever since the plane crash I've been trying to get information, someone tampered with the plane and we need to find out who, and whoever it is I will hunt down and kill. They cause harm to Karma and I will happily take away everything they love for some justice. I head back to my office and light one of my cigars. Karma keeps begging me to go out on some Reaper missions "for old times sake" she says that "The Reaper and El Diablo need to get their reputation back" when I found out that she was pregnant I put a announcement out that The Reaper and El Diablo were taking a break, and boy has Karma been hating me for it. I just don't want to put her or our son in danger, and to be fair, she has been getting her own way with everything to do with the baby, to be honest I don't care what colour the nursery is, or how the pram moves, or the million different onesies that she has bought for him. I just care that she and him are happy and healthy, we still haven't decided on a name and at this point I don't even know if he's gonna have one. I know she's stressing about tomorrow considering we haven't had the best luck with weddings. It'll only be the second one since my mom died and I know that Kay is worried about me but I'm fine, I'm always fine.

~Karma's POV~

I climb into bed, my pregnancy pillow taking over half of the kingsized mattress that Joey constantly complains about, I swear ever since I got pregnant he has just been one horny mother fucker. Aries, Scorpio and Leo join me on the bed while I try to drift off. Soft knocks awaken me and I tell whoever it is to come in, the dogs surrounding me. My mama walks in and opens her arms wide, she flops onto the bed next to me, "How are you my love?" She asks, running her fingers down my arm. "Uncomfortable because your grandson is having a rave on my bladder." I groan, standing up. "Where is my fiance?" I question, "that's what I was going to say... he... is currently arguing with one of your workers." I roll my eyes and quickly pee before following the shouting. I've got one of his shirts on and a thong so he won't be too happy but I am not about to change. I walk into his office and the argument stops, my father, Danny and him were both shouting and pointing at a man that I may have seen once before. "Ay dios mio." They all turn to me, the man also turning, his face pale and his legs look as though they're going to collapse. "Karma what the hell- '' Joey starts, "No. I'm doing the talking, wait, why are they shouting at you?" I ask the man. "Donna, I'm so sorry." He replies, I look at Joey in question. "He's apologising because I'm trying to investigate the plane crash and he can't find SHIT about it!" Joey yells. "Okay, calm down, papa, Danny, you can leave." I say, my father and Danny leave the office, my mother waiting for them. "Okay, now clearly you are not in the right state of mind so go upstairs before I make you sleep on the couch." I kick Joey and sit on his desk chair, gesturing for the worker to do the same. "Okay, it's late, nobody is working tomorrow , so let's clear this up now, whoever you are, you're no longer working on technology, sort yourself out, don't get in mine or my fiance's way again, okay?" He nods repeatedly and scurries off. Welp its bed time for mama.



Has anyone got baby name suggestions???}
Im struggling over here guys
Apologies for not posting in 4 months

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