Chapter 16 - " I'd fuck you so hard"

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~3 weeks later~

I wake up to Bella throwing herself into my bed, I'm cuddled up on Joey so there's half a bed full of space, it's her bachelorette party tonight and the wedding is tomorrow. She is full of nerves but so excited at the same time. "Wake up Kay! I'm getting married tomorrow!" She squeals, wrapping her arms around me. "I know! I'm so excited! What's the time anyways?" I ask, she yawns "8am." It's not too early I guess. "Fuck off..." Joey groans, squinting his eyes. "I hit him lightly on the bicep and then sat up. "Come on!" Bella pulls me up off the bed and I look back at Joey, waving at him before being pulled out of the room.

"Bells, please slow down, I need to piss, and I have to carry a fucking child in me." I complain, as she pulls me down stairs. "Sorry mamas." They've all been calling me that recently, kinda weird, I know. "Where are we even going?" I ask as she continues to drag me around the house. "The dining room." I roll my eyes, of course she's thinking about food. "I'll meet you there. I really need to piss." She nods her head and then departs. I hurry to the nearest bathroom and do my business. Once finished, I brush my teeth and look in the mirror, I've still got my pyjamas on and look pregnant as fuck. I'm officially 8 months pregnant, and not at all prepared. The amount of clothes I have bought for our baby is insane. The nursery is nearly finished and I'm so excited, we have decided to do it in neutral colours but have still not decided on a name. Mama has literally been obsessing over me and everytime she goes out she ends up coming back with something for her new grandchild. I leave the bathroom and head to the dining room that is full of sound.

I walk in and head to sit next to Bella and Ophelia. "Kay I'm freaking..." Bella says to me, her head in her hands. "Hey! You're gonna be fine, my brother loves you almost as much as I do, and I love you so much." I laugh, she joins in. "Thank you, I still cannot believe that I'm getting married... tomorrow." She squeals, leaning her head on my shoulder. Bella has invited Me, Ophelia, Maisie, Delilah, Emily, Luciana, Rosa, and Eli, considering he's basically one of the girls anyway. "I'm ready to get fucked up!" Eli squeals, I laugh and take a sip of my coffee. "Right, agenda for today!" Bella yells, standing on her chair, "11am, bottomless brunch, 4pm come back here to get ready, 7pm we go clubbing in one of our clubs, I have hired stylists and makeup artists for today and tomorrow, tonight, we go back to a hotel where we will spend the night before Ash and I finally get married." Everyone cheers and quietens down, once everyone has finished breakfast we all head upstairs to our rooms, waiting for the stylists to show up.

"Joey, come on, get out." I groan, dragging him out of bed. "Please, just 5 more minutes." He complains, keeping his eyes closed. "No. Out. Now." I instruct, he gets out, and stands up, his eyes still adjusting to the light. Once he's woken up he goes and gets in the shower. The stylists turn up just as I hear our shower turn on. "Hi, it's so nice to meet you!" Says one of the stylists. "Sure... Where do you want me?" I ask, "wherever is most comfortable." She shrugs. I roll my eyes inwardly, before walking over to my vanity. "So, are you doing hair or makeup?" I ask, sitting down, "both, Miss Nolan said that you didn't want loads of people around." I nod. "So..." She says, beginning on my hair. "Karma, my name's Karma." I smile, feeling my baby boy kick. "Who's house is this, it's absolutely stunning." She replies, "it's mine, me and my fiance bought it together, although we always have family over, so it's shared." I say, I really can't be bothered with small talk but I'll be nice. My door creaks open and my three rottweilers walk in, laying on the floor near me. "Oh My GOD, they're so adorable." The stylist squeaks. "Thank you! By the way you haven't told me your name?" I ask, "Stella." She replies. "Okay, well then Stella, tell me a bit about yourself." I replied. "Well, my full name is Stella Arctez, I'm 19 years old, recently graduated from cosmetology school and have a weird obsession with Arctic Monkeys." She smiles, curling my hair. "Oh nice, I love them!" I laugh. "So, boy or girl?" She asks. "Boy, although we cannot decide on a name." I explain, "Oh I totally get that, when I had my little girl, Anna, It took me so long." She replies. "You've got a daughter?" "Yeah, she's four now, I got pregnant when I was 15, it was hard but having her helped me get through it." She smiles dazeley. "Oh that's too cute." I laugh. Joey comes out from the bathroom, a towel hung low on the waist, his v-line extremely clear, beads of water running down his chest. "Oh my god, go and put some clothes on!" I squeal, laughing. "I've just got out of the shower!" He jokes, he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me, "ew! You're soaking wet, get off!" I laugh, pushing him off, he walks to our cupboard giggling and shaking his head before closing the door behind him. "You two are so cute, I can't take it!" Stella squeals. "Aw thank you so much." I smile, looking into the mirror at what she's doing. "So, how did you guys meet?" She asks, "My parents and his parents were best friends so we've known each other since we were little, best friends to lovers story I guess." I shrug, she hums in response.

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